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Jasmine's pov;

Since I decided to give Harry yet another chance not to be a jerk at me, he waited for me to get ready to accompany to my Monday morning class. As soon as I get dressed, we start walking down the street.

"Monday's suck" Was the first thing he had to say.

"Do you have a class today?" I asked him.

"No, tomorrow" He said.

"Then why do they suck?" I asked.

"Because I have nothing to do and Stacey will hunt me down" He said.

"Why don't you get rid of her? I know it sounds rude, but if you don't want her this much, just tell her to move on" I said.

"It's not that simple. There's a reason I broke up with her, and it did not end well" He said.

"Can I tell you something completely random? Like, totally irrelevant, I just want to let you know" I said.

"Go ahead"

"Zayn wasn't my first kiss" I said.


"So, I thought you believed he was my first kiss. It wasn't. My first kiss was in eleventh grade but it was a horrible experience" I said.

"Tell me what happened" Harry seemed amused.

"Well, there was this boy I liked, his name is Alex and he was one of the popular guys. He was really handsome, for sure and he was a very nice guy. Well, we were at this party in his house, he had invited me and he got drunk and he kissed me, but it was terrible. It was so sloppy and he used his tongue too. I never kissed a guy since, besides Zayn. I was so disappointed, I expected more from him" I said and Harry laughed.

"Dammit, was Zayn at least good?" He asked.

"In comparison to him, 100%" I laughed as well.

"My first kiss was when I was twelve. I took this girl under this big tree in a forest near my house, near the river and we kissed for a while. It was steamy. But the next day she kissed someone else too, so I got disappointed like you did" He said.

"The next day? Wow, what a savage twelve year old she was" I giggled.

"Her name is Alice and I still see her when I go to Holmes Chapel. I saw her while we went to the bakery together, but she didn't wave at me, she just smiled" He said.

"And you didn't tell me earlier? I want to see her" I said.

"If we ever go to my house again together, we might see her around. I don't know why she still lives there" He said.

"Maybe she likes it" I said.

"It's a really small town. Sure, charming and all that, but there's not really much to do around" He said.

"Some people prefer the peace and quiet" I said.

"Well I don't, it's boring. I want to search places. For the past two years that I've been in London for college, I've memorized every part of it by heart. First the bars, and then the real beauty" He said.

"Why the bars first?" I asked, curious.

"I was in a bad place in my first year so yeah. I didn't want to be seen getting drunk in the same place every night" He said.

"You had a drinking problem?" I asked.

"You can call it that. I didn't drink that much, but when I did, I drunk a lot" He said.

"Like... Like the day of our accident? Was it one of those days?" I asked.

"Yeah, but I rather change the subject. We don't want the atmosphere to get too heavy on a Monday morning" He said and smiled.

"It won't be a good start. Can we talk about the fact that you are wearing the fedora I got you?" I said.

"I've grown to like it a lot. Also, it saves my bad hair days" He said.

"You have bad hair days? You don't have much" I said.

"But still, sometimes they just fly around all over the place and I'm bored to fix them" He said.

"I think your hair is adorable" I said.

"How can hair be adorable?" He laughed.

"Because you have little curls and they can be" I said.

"So you like my hair. What else do you like about me?" He smirked.

"I'm not answering this question" I smiled cheekily.

"Why not Nelson? I won't judge you" He said in the same silly and amused smirk.

"You just want to hear you are attractive from one more person because your ego is bigger than your forehead" I said and he laughed.

"My forehead is not big" He defended himself.

"It kind of is, the fedora saves the situation a little. But I can still draw on it as if it's a black board" I said.

"Let's analyze the whole sentence you said. You find me attractive, but you don't want to say it because you think I have a huge ego? You practically said it" He said.

"I didn't say it. You seriously like to embarrass me so much" I said.

"I just like to make you blush. I'll take your compliment" He said.

"But I wasn't complimenting you idiot. I just told you your forehead is huge" I laughed.

"I like your laugh" He smiled.

"Oh, so you like the sound of a dying whale? Your preferences are really... abnormal" I said.

"My preferences are just a little weird, but you sound nothing like a dying whale. The only thing that sounds like that is Stacey when she sings. I heard her once and I almost went deaf" He said, making me laugh.

"Don't talk about her like that, she's your ex" I said.

"I have the right to say whatever I want about her. She hurt someone I love" He said. Gemma?

"Oh" I said. "Then why did you call her?" I asked.

"Because when I get mad, I do things I regret. Like calling her, and calling my mother" He said.

"Calling your mother wasn't a bad decision Harry. She was really happy to see you, especially in Christmas" I said.

"It wasn't the best idea for me, but hey, I had you with me, so it wasn't as bad" He smiled.

"I thought you'd say it was worse" I said.

"It wasn't"

"I have to go now. Maybe I'll see you later?" I asked.

"Sure thing" He said and I kissed his cheek. I even left myself surprised with my action. I turn on my heel and walk fast away from him to my class.

~I hope you liked this chapter. I know my chapters are not really big, it's unusual for me, but I want this story to be leaving people thinking more if that makes sense. Anyway, love you all. -Eva. xx

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