Sixty Eight.

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---Sixty Eight---

October 11th, 2013 (Third person's pov);

"Oh honey. Look at you. Look how you've been left" Sharon, Jasmine's mother said.

It has been around two weeks and a few days more, since she has been in a coma, after her accident. It has been tough for all of her family. Her mother has been devastated, her father and sister even more.

She's not awake to realize how much people actually care about her. How much they love her and want her to return to her normal state. Even her ex friend Stella, has made phone calls and thinks this is her fault. If Jasmine was awake, she would have been both surprised and infuriated with her.

There's a knock on the door of the room, which is open. Doctors and nurses have been passing but, this time, it's not one of them. A tall, brunette guy, with green eyes full of melancholia, looking more grey than ever now. He holds a white rose in his hand and Sharon turns around to see him standing there.

He looks awful. He has bags under his eyes, which are almost bloodshot, his knuckles are red and he looks tired. He hasn't been getting much sleep, you can see.

"What do you want Harry?" Sharon asked and huffed.

"Daily visit" He said, still standing in the same place.

"Aren't you tired? You don't seem to be getting much sleep nor taking care of yourself much" She said.

"Neither do you" He answered and entered the room, sitting on the chair across from Sharon, at the left side of the bed, Jasmine was laying on. "How has she been doing today?" He asked.

"Same like yesterday" She said.

"Jesy? How has she been hanging?" He asked.

"She hasn't. She has been awfully down. I mean, you can't blame her, her sister is in a coma" Sharon laughed lightly, ironically, full of venom.

"Yeah, you know, it's nice to be making me feel worse every day about this. It's my fucking fault, I fucking know, but you think I don't regret it? Hell, every single second of it. From the moment I took my first sip of alcohol to now. But I'm doing my best to make everything better, and it's hard. I have been through this before and it's even worse than the first time" He snapped at the depressed mother.

"You shouldn't have been irresponsible from the first place. You shouldn't have left your mother" She said.

"Yeah well life fucked me up and she made a terrible mistake. Gemma could have gotten better. She could have woken up" He said.

"She was in a vegetative state, she would in no way have woken up. Don't blame this on her. Blame this on the driver" She said.

"Yeah right. You don't know why he was drunk. You don't know his story" He said.

"You're right, I don't. But I know damn well yours, and it is no an excuse for this" She snapped at him. He doesn't say anything.

"I'm going to take care of Jesy, and I'm not going to hear a no" He said and held Jasmine's hand. "She's really cold. Is this normal?" He asked, furrowing his brows.

"The weather is getting colder. I think it's normal" Sharon said.

"I think not. Have you paged a doctor?" Harry asked, full of concern.

"Calm down, I don't think it's anything. She has been stable since the surgery" She said.

"Yes but-" Harry is interrupted by the beeping noise of the electrocardiography machine. The amount of beeping is quite faster than usual and both Sharon and Harry are panicked.

Harry rushes to call for somebody and a nurse comes in with him. "What is going on?" She asked.

"I don't know, she was cold and then the machine started beeping" Harry explained.

The nurse pages a doctor and everything is happening too fast. "Dr. Davis, I think something is wrong. She has been stable all day long, but now, she's having complications" The nurse said.

"Okay let's see what is going on. No one panic, this might not be anything" The doctor looks at the machine, rests a hand on Jasmine's forehead and pulls out a medical flashlight from her pocket.

She opens Jasmine's eyelids one by one. "Come on, respond to me Jasmine. I need you to page Dr. Blake. Pupils are dilating, she's not breathing properly" The doctor said. "She has fever"

"What does this mean?" Sharon asked.

"This means that I need both of you out of this room right now. I don't want any infections to happen, so you better stay out until everything is clear" Dr. Davis said.

"I'm here, what is wrong?" Dr. Blake came in the room.

"We need to take her for a Chest X-Ray" Dr. Davis said.

"Is she going to be okay?" Harry asked.

"Please, Mrs. Johnson, take them out" Dr. Davis told the nurse. Both Harry and Sharon are guided to the waiting room. Sharon is full of concern, her eyes welling up with tears.

After an hour or so, Dr. Blake goes to the waiting room and Harry and Sharon stand up, to hear the results.

"Is she okay?" Sharon asked.

"She is going to be fine. We did an X-Ray and it turns out she has pneumonia. It's quite common for this to happen when someone is in a coma. She has an infection, but she will be taking medication and it will be fine. You don't need to worry about anything. We just need you not to visit her for the next 48 hours" Dr. Blake said.

"What? And who is going to keep an eye on her?" Sharon asked.

"Our nurses, our doctors. Look, Ms. White, go home. Get some rest, sleep, eat. We are doing our best and we know there is nothing to worry about. She will be just fine. We just need for her to be away from any bacteria that could be threatening, so we can't risk having visitors around" The doctor said.

"We understand. Thank god she will be fine" Harry said.

"Fine? You call this fine? This is your fault! She's going through all of this because of you!" Sharon starts hitting Harry's chest with her weak fists and Harry tries to calm her down. "If it wasn't for you, she would have been fine! She would be studying in college!" She said.

"I know, I know its my fault. I told you. But please, calm down. Let's get you home to your daughter. She needs you right now" Harry has successfully managed to calm her down when it comes to her madness, but she's now crying in his arms.

The truth is, that Jasmine might have not been better if nothing of this had happened. She could have been worst. She could have continued to be hard on herself, neglect herself and hurt herself. If it wasn't for this, Jasmine wouldn't have met Harry. Harry wouldn't have properly met Jasmine. She wouldn't have been happy.

She might not know of this day, but it doesn't matter. She knows how much of a good person Harry is and how much he cares from everything else he has already done. The day will come, that she will know about the incident.




~Did you guys enjoy this? Tell me if you liked the whole Third Person's pov concept. I think it explains some things better. Anyway, that's all for you today, hope you liked it! Love you. -Eva. xx

P.S. It's 05:30AM and I just got back home from a wedding. Jesus wasn't it tiring. But here's another chapter bc I forgot to update for four days. Btw JUST HOLD ON MAKES ME WANT TO CRY WHEN LISTENING TO A DANCE SONG LOUIS IS SUCH AN ANGEL I'M SO PROUD OF HIM AND SO IS JOHANNAH.

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