His favorite thing about you

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His Favorite thing about you
Bryce: Your Smile, He loves when you smile because it's one of his favorite things about you. He will do whatever it takes just to see your smile and you love him for that.

Moo: Your Laugh, Even though you hate your laugh Moo loves it. He sometimes will do random weird things just to make you laugh. He thinks it's adorable, just like he thinks you are adorable.

Nogla: Your Sneeze, This might seem weird but he loves how loud it can be and sometimes how soft it is you think it's horrible but he doesn't like his sneeze and everyone else does ( XD )

Delirious: Your eyes, He loves how they sparkle in the sun and how they turn bright while during the night they turn dark and sparkle. He loves staring into them when you lay down next to each other or even from across the table.

Ohm: Your Hands, He loves how small they are compared to his and how they fit perfectly together. He loves playing with then while he records and even while you guys eat.

Cartoonz: Your Hair, He loves when he gets to run his hands through it because it's so soft and shiny. He also love the color of your hair even if you were to dye it he would still love it.

Wildcat: Your sense of Humor, I mean who doesn't like a good sense of humor, am I right?


Hey guys I hope you all liked this preference! Comment what you think and maybe request an imagine?

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