The Heist (Terroriser and Mini Ladd)

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The Heist (Terroriser and Mini Ladd)


(Mini Ladd/Craig)

"Why are you going today of all days"I mumble tears filling my eyes. "Baby girl, Evan said they really need me today"Brian sighs trying to hug me. I push him away and a tear falls from my eye. I wipe my face and look up at him. "I'm coming with"I say and he sighs before nodding. "You aren't leaving my sight"I whisper and step closer to him. He nods again and looks down at me. Before I know it he has his lips pressed against mine and I'm backed against the wall. I wrap my arms around him and kiss him back. "Lets go"he says as he pulls away. "Let's"I whisper and grab his hand.
"Evan! They are surrounding me!"Brian screams and my eyes widen. "BRIAN"I scream when I hear a gun shot go off. I shoot as many of them as I can and I run to Brian. "Baby, it's our anniversary, don't die on me"I whisper tears running down my face. I grab his almost lifeless body and hold him on my lap. "Happy Anniversary baby girl, I'm sorry and I love you"he mumbles closing his eyes. I hear his breathing slow down and I hug him. "I love you, please don't leave me"I sob holding him. I feel him fall limp into my arms and I start to cry harder.I notice all the gunshots stop but I don't care. "Please come back"I scream hugging his lifeless body. I feel a hand on my shoulder and I turn to see a crying Mini standing there. "Mini"I sob and hug him. I hear a sob leave mini making me cry more. Mini hates crying in front of other people. Thats when I see him. I let go of mini and storm over to him. I smack him and notice a tear fall out of his eye. "This is all your fault! You made him come!"I cry and I watch as Evan breaks down. My anger diminishes when he does. I bend down and wrap my arms around him. "I'm sorry Evan, I didn't mean it...I jus-" "I know Y/N, I know"he whispers cutting me off. I feel all of the guys joining in on our hug as we sit here, tears streaming down our faces. After we all pull away from the hug I walk back over to Brian's lifeless body. I kiss his cold cheek and watch as Moo picks him up. I feel someone pick me up and notice it's Tyler. "Thank you"I croak and he just forces a smile as he looks down at me. I bury my head in his chest and close my eyes. I really wish this was all a dream. Even if the dream was meeting Brian. Please. Take it back.
*6 years in the future*

"Hey Brian, So it's been 6 years since you died...I'm dating again. We started dating about a year ago. Not long after I last visited"I sigh running a hand through. "He took your passing just about as hard as I did, we were there for each other through it all...I just kind of fell for him..He doesn't know I love him..but I do...I might tell him soon"I mumble sitting my flowers by his gravestone. "Just in case you haven't guessed who it is by now I'll tell you, It's Mini. The day you died I remember how much it hurt me seeing him cry. He misses you Brian, he doesn't like being here..I know he secretly comes sometimes while I'm asleep...Yes we do live together. I moved in with him after you died because I couldn't stay in our hurt... anyways I'll see you next year, okay? Bye Brian"I sigh and stand up. I feel arms snake around my waist and I jump slightly. I smile when I realize it's Mini. "So you know I come here"he says and I nod before kissing his cheek. "Well let's go home and cuddle, I already finished editing"he mumbles kissing my neck. "Okay"I whisper and we head back to the car.

Unknown's POV

I groan as I look at the dickface in front of me. His fist connects with my face again and blood flies out of my mouth. He smirks and wipes the blood from his hand. "So you gonna tell us the information we need now?"he asks and I just spit blood at his face. He growls and smashes my head into the wall. "It's been 6 years why can't we just kill him already"the girl in the corner spats. "We need him"the guys says and I laugh. "Show me my friends and girlfriend are okay and maybe we'll talk"I laugh and he smirks. "Lacy, you heard him, play the video"he says and she does. "Well let's go home and cuddle, I already finished editing"Mini mumbles and kisses Y/N's neck. "Okay"she whispers and they walk to a car. I feel my heart break and it shows them at Mini's house. I see them laying on the couch cuddling when someone knocks on the door. "Come in"Mini says and the door opens revealing all the guys. "Did you go visit Brian today?"Tyler asks and Y/N nods. "Mini went with actually"she says and all the guys looked shocked. "Did he cry?"Delirious chuckles and Mini glares at him. "No I didn't cry"he says and Y/N smiles pecking his lips. "Eww get a room, plus Brian may be watching so that's disgusting"Evan laughs and I frown. Little does he know he could never have been more right. The video stops and the guy looks at me. "So Terroriser, or should I say Brian? Want to tell me something now?"
Hey everyone! Part 2? Just kidding there will be a part 2 anyways cx Tell me what you guys thought, I hope you all enjoyed! Comment, Vote, Share, etc. Byyyyyeeeee

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