Visit (Bryce Games and Ohmwrecker)

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Visit (Bryce Games and Ohmwrecker)

There's some Fanart I found on Twitter ^-^

(My phone just got that symbol so I'm using it XD)

"Bryce, can you run to the store?"I ask as I look up at my giant of a boyfriend. "Sure baby, I have to run errands anyways. I won't be back til who knows when but Ohm is gonna be here in about an hour or so"Bryce says and I nod slowly. Ohm always flirted with me and shit. He's attractive and all but he's also my boyfriend's best friend. "Bye baby"Bryce smiles before pecking my lips and walking out of the house. I run to our room and slip on some sweatpants over my shorts. They were pretty short and I don't want Ohm seeing me in those. I was wearing a tank top but he's seen me in a tank top before. After about 45 minutes I hear a knock on the door. I already know who it is so I'm not in a hurry. I slowly open the door to see the familiar attractive brunette standing on the porch. "Hey Ohm"I smile and his face lights up before he smiles. "Hi Y/N"he says before walking inside and sitting his bags down. As soon as he sits me down he wraps his arms around me. I wrap my arms around his neck and squeeze him slightly. "How've you been?"I ask as we pull away from the hug and he shrugs. "Decent I guess"he chuckles and I nod. "Well you know where everything is so go put everything up and I'll be in the living room waiting"I smile and he nods before heading to the guest room. I head to the living room and sigh when I can't find a movie. I feel arms wrap around me and I look at Ohm. "So how do you feel about going to the movies?"I ask laughing lightly. "Fine with me but you may want to change first"he chuckles and I just shrug before grabbing a hoodie. I throw it on and grab my car keys. "Let's go"I say and we head outside. "So The bye bye man is out and I kind of want to watch that"I say and he nods as he slides in the passenger seat. I send a quick text to Bryce before pulling out of the drive way and heading to the theater. When we get there we get our tickets, snacks, and drinks. All in which Ohm paid for because I left my wallet at the house. "I'm excited"I smile as we sit in the back of the theater. "It looks like a good movie for sure"Ohm chuckles as he wraps an arm around my shoulder.


By the end of the movie I had my face buried in Ohm's chest and he had me in his lap. I loved horror movies but hated them at the same time. "Is it over yet?"I squeak and Ohm chuckles.  "It's been over for about 10 minutes"he says and my eyes widened as I stand up. "Let's go get something to eat"I say as I grab his hand and pull him out of his seat. He chuckles but let's me pull him out of the theater and to the car. We end up getting McDonald's and bringing it to the house. "When is Bryce gonna be home?"Ohm asks and I shrug. "Not for a while"I sigh and he nods before sitting next to me on the couch. We sit in silence until we both finish eating. "So you okay with watching YouTube?"I ask and he nods before wrapping an arm around my shoulders. I click one of Del's videos and lay my head on Ohm's shoulder. We sit like this until the video ends and the front door opens. My head perks up as I look at the door. Ohm leaves his arm where it is and Bryce walks in with groceries. "Hi Ohm, Hey baby"Bryce smiles before sitting the groceries down and pecking my lips. I feel ohm's grip tighten around my shoulders and I look at him confused. "You alright?"I ask as Bryce goes to put up groceries. "Yea I'm fine"he sighs as he closes his eyes. I just frown and peck his cheek before heading to the kitchen. "Hey Bryce"I smile as I wrap my arms around him from behind. "Hi baby, Did you have fun today?"he asks as he turns to face me. I nod and he smiles before kissing my nose. "Good"he says quietly as he pushes a strand of hair out of my face. I lean up and softly press my lips against his while wrapping my arms around his neck. Bryce's phone starts to ring making me pull away from him. "I'm gonna take this I'll be back"He sighs as he kisses my head and leaves the room. After a few seconds I feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist. At first I thought it was Bryce but once I inhaled the scent I knew it wasn't. "Y/N?"Ohm whispers and I sigh before turning to look at him. "Yes Ohm"I say with a small smile on my face. "I..I...n-nevermind"he mumbles before letting go of me and turning to leave. "Ryan"I say quietly as I grab his arm. "It's not Important"he whispers while looking at the ground and I frown before grabbing his face and making him look at me. "Ohm..What's wrong?"I ask as I look into his hazel eyes. "God..Y/N I love you so much..You just can't seem to notice it. I've been trying to make it obvious...I've loved you since before you and Bryce were together. He even knows that"He whispers and I freeze. My hand falls from his face as I scan over his face to see if he's joking. I see the upsetting sparkle in his hazel eyes causing my heart to ache. "Ohm.."I whisper as I slowly step closer to him. He shakes his head with a deep frown on his face. "I'm sorry"he mumbles before planting a soft kiss on my forehead and turning to leave once more. I don't stop him this time though, I let him leave. Bryce knows? He definitely doesn't act like he knows.. "Hey baby, that was my mom I have to go but I might not be back until morning. Is that okay?"Bryce asks and I force a smile before nodding. "Of Course Bryce, Go to your mom"I say before kissing his cheek and heading to the living room. I lay down and bury my face in the couch pillow. How did I not notice that was how Ohm felt? I close my eyes and sigh. After a while of drowning in my own thoughts, I feel someone pick me up. I already could tell it was Ohm so I bury my face in his chest and wrap my arms around his neck. I hear him suck in a sharp breath and I just stay like this until he gets to my room and lays me down on the bed. He goes to walk off but I grab his hand and pull him towards me. "Y/N.."He whispers and I open my eyes before looking up at him. "Lay down with me....please"I whisper and he sighs before laying next to me. I grab his arms and wrap them around me before cuddling up to him and burying my face in his chest. "Bryce won't be hap-" "I don't care"I say cutting him off. He doesn't say anything and I close my eyes as I fall into a deep sleep not caring about anything except Ohm at this point.
Hey everyone! I hope you all enjoyed this one! I did add a new one to the list, Seananners. He will be next then FourZer0Seven! I just read a story that gave me a good idea so I added Nanners! ^-^ Anyways Comment, Vote, Share, etc. Byyyyyeeeee. xx

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