Jingle Balls (Ohmwrecker)

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Jingle Balls (Ohmwrecker)


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"FUCK!"Cartoonz yells as Ohm downs him and I can't help but giggle. It doesn't take long for him to be put on a hook, causing his character to scream. "Y/N, come with me"I hear Bryce whisper and I look behind me to see his character. He leads me to a generator before he starts to work on it and I help, not long after Delirious walks over to us. "I'll go for the save while you two keep working"Bryce says before running to save Cartoonz. "Okay hoochie, we're almost done! Go and open the door when I finish"Del says and suddenly Bryce screams, signaling he had been caught. He instantly died when he got hung and Cartoonz died soon after, leaving me and Delirious alone. I quickly rush to a door and wait for Delirious to finish. After Del finishes the generator I open the door. "NO! OHM! YOU CAN'T HAVE MY BOOTY! GO AWAY!"Del screams and I giggle as the door slowly opens. "Nooo"Del whines as he gets caught and I sigh. I hear his character scream as Ohm hangs him and I shake my head. "You know Ohm, you've been really quiet"I point out and he chuckles causing my heart to flutter. "Just trying to find you sweetheart"He says and I bite my bottom lip before creeping towards where he hung Delirious. "I bet you are"I say with a small smirk as I get closer to Del. As soon as I go to grab him, I hear the jingle bells. "DAMNMIT JINGLE BALLS"I scream before running away. "Y/N! I NEEDED YOU!"Del screams as he dies and I apologize before slipping into a closet. a few seconds after Del dies I slowly slip out of the closet and make my way to the door. When I get there I see Ohm standing there so I try to turn and run off. "Why are you running?"He chuckles and I stop running before facing my character towards his. "If you love me you won't hurt me"I giggle and he sighs. "But I want you to join me because I love you...but I guess you can live"He sighs and I cheer before trying to run past him. Key word, trying. He instantly downs me and I gasp. "You bastard! You lied! AND you had no one escapes death"I pout and he chuckles before picking my character up. "I love youuu"He says and I glare at my camera. "Screw you"I mumble and the guys laugh. "Y'all cute as fuck"Cartoonz says and I hold back a smile.  "Well you can be the killer now if you want some pay back"Bryce chuckles and I smirk. "Alright"I say before switching over to kill your friends. "You know, I'll be Jingle balls too"I giggle and they all laugh. "Why not Nurse? Or hag? Or Michael? Or Hillbilly? Or the Trapper?"Delirious chuckles and I shrug. "Maybe next time I'll be trapper"I smile and we start the game. Pretty much right off the bat I down Cartoonz. "FUCK! Well I hope you fucks enjoy your footage"He grumbles and I giggle as I pick him up. "It's Ohm's fault"I say and Ohm laughs. "Damn you Ohm!"Cartoonz says and we all laugh as I put him on the hook. It doesn't take very long for me to find someone else. "AH! JINGLE BALLS!!"Delirious screams and starts to run away. I quickly smack him and follow him around. "Wait! Ohm's here!"He squeals and I chuckle. "Where?"I ask as we come to a stop and he makes his character point towards a generator. "DAMNMIT DELIRIOUS!"Ohm yells and I grin. "Fuck you dude! I don't want to die!"Delirious says before hurrying off. I quickly go towards Ohm and he instantly runs off. "HELP!"He yells and I see Meg in the corner of my eye. Bryce is a bigger problem than Ohm at this point. Ohm is good at surviving but Bryce is better. "Oh Bryciee"I coo as I walk towards the generator he was working on. "What?"Ohm says confused, meaning he noticed I stopped chasing him. I glance at the call to see Bryce's eyes widen. "Oh shoot, Oh shoot, Oh shoot"He mumbles before using his sprint burst to run off. "I thought you were chasing Ohm!"He says as he jumps through a window. "You're more of a threat"I chuckle as I cut him off and hit him. He screams and goes to jump over a barricade but I hit him just in time to down him. I notice that Cartoonz was off the hook and I smirk. "So Bryce how do you feel about death?"I ask and he groans. "You brought it! You've got to kidding me! Bye guys"He says and I chuckle before killing him. "No! Bryce!"Delirious yells and I giggle. "Why didn't you kill Cartoonz?"Delirious asks and I smirk. "To surprise you"I shrug as I see Cartoonz working on a generator. "You know what would suck"I say and Cartoonz instantly stops working on the generator. "Here Del, I'll make you happy"I say and Cartoonz screams as I down him. "Delirious!"Cartoonz whines and I chuckle as I kill him. "Delllll, Ohhhmm"I whisper against my mic and I notice they only need one more generator. I notice someone sneaking around and I slowly walk over to them. "Hi there"I chuckle before smacking them. "FUCK"Delirious screams and I quickly smack him again, downing him. I decide to give him a chance and hang him before going to look for Ohm. It doesn't take long to find him because he finishes the generator and goes to the door. "You didn't try to save me"Delirious whines as he dies and I giggle. "I even gave him the chance by just hanging you, not instantly"I point out as I sneak up behind Ohm. "So babe"I say and Ohm stops opening the door. His character turns around and smile. "Shit"He mumbles and I shake my head. "Open the door Ohm, go ahead"I chuckle and he sighs. "You got me"He says and I whack him twice. I kill him and grin at my camera. "I killed everyone!"I exclaim and the guys chuckle.  "Well I think that's all I'm gonna play tonight, I'll talk to you guys in the morning"Ohm says and I nod in agreement. "Yea same here. Bye guys"I say and everyone quickly says bye as I hang up. I walk to Mine and Ohm's room and plop on the bed, face first. "Sleeping without me?"I hear Ohm chuckle and I nod. I feel the bed dip down next to me and his arms wrap around my waist. "I love you"He whispers and I smile slightly. "I love you too"I say before turning towards him and pecking his lips. "Goodnight Princess"He says softly and I close my eyes before falling into a deep sleep in the arms of the man I love.

Hey everyone! I hope you all enjoyed this one! As of now it looks like I'm going to be writing an Ohm story next! Anyways Comment, Vote, Share, etc. Tell me what you all thought. Byyyyeee xx

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