The Club (Moo Snuckel)

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The Club (Moo Snuckel)
*both characters are very drunk in this so it might get heated*

"Another one"I mumble to the bar tender as I wipe my face. The guy hands me the shot and chug it. I don't usually drink but well when your best friend steals your boyfriend it's an exception. "Ma'am if I were you I wouldn't drink any more"the bartender frowns. I nod slowly and stumble away. I wonder if there are any cute guys here. I stumble around until I see a familiar looking guy. I stumble up to him and giggle. "You're moo snuckel aren't you?"I slurr leaning towards him. He helps balance me and laughs. "That I am"he says wrapping an arm around my waist. I giggle and throw my arms around his neck. "You're cute"I mumble laying my head on his chest. "Yea well so are you"he mumbles leaning down close to my ear. I feel a chill run down my spine and I groan. "That was hot"he mumbles. I smile and lightly grab his face. He smiles lazily as I force his lips onto mine. "Lets go somewhere a little more private"I whisper nibbling his bottom lip. He groans and I pull him towards the door. He pulls away from me and picks me up bridal style. "Your place or mine?"he asks. "Yours"I giggle and he carries me to my car since his friend brought him. He sits me in the passenger seat and quickly presses his lips against mine. He goes to pull away but I grab him and kiss him not so slowly. He groans but pulls away. After he slides in he starts the car and drives to his place. I sneakily slide my hand over and place it on his thigh. He ignores it until I start to draw circles with my finger. He groans and pulls over to the side of the road. "If you don't stop it's going to happen in the damn car"he growls making me giggle. I slowly slide my hand up and down his thigh. He smirks, starts to drive, and places his hand on my upper thigh. As he drives I feel his hand slowly sliding closer to my lower region. I gasp when his hand gets slightly under my dress. He just smirks and pulls up to a house. Which I'm guessing is his. We get out and quickly rush to his room. He had a roommate but they were sleeping. As soon as we got inside he picked me up so that I wrapped my legs around his waist. He quickly presses his lips against my and takes us to his room. As soon as we get in there he puts me down and pushes me up against the door. I groan softly and he grinds up against me. Little did I know what this one night stand would lead too.


I groan as I open my eyes. God I hate myself. Well kind of. Last night with Brock was great. Before that it was terrible. Yes I still remember everything but it doesn't make it any better. I sigh as I move my body closer to Brock. "You okay?"he asks looking down at me. "Yea just have a headache I don't usually drink much"I sigh and he nods. "Well we both definitely drank quite a bit"he chuckles tracing circles on my bare leg. "Hey m-Oh god I'm sorry"a guy with a thick Irish accent or as everyone knows him Terroriser says walking in with wide eyes. "What do you want Brian?"Brock laughs. "I uh who's the hot chick?"Terroriser asks looking at me. "A girl...that I met at the club...."Brock laughs uncomfortably. I laugh and get up, no I'm not naked. I walk over yo him and smile. "I'm Y/N"I say holding out my hand. "Brian"he says shaking my hand while looking at my legs. I laugh and he smiles. "How long are you staying?"Brock asks as he stands up. "Ill probably leave soon"I sigh and he nods. "I can make you some breakfast"Brian smiles grabbing my hand. I laugh as he drags me to the kitchen. "I make some mean cereal"he winks. I hear Brock laughing causing me to also laugh. He makes some Lucky Charms and hands them to me with a spoon. "Here you go madam"he chuckles. Funny thing is I watch these guys on YouTube so this is even better. But in the end I leave with no phone numbers but little did I know I would be back soon.


Hey guys I know this is short buttt there WILL be a part two. Who can guess the surprise? Its kinda obvious. Anyways don't be afraid to request an imagine. I will try and do all requests that I get. (Even preferences) anyways comment, vote, and share!

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