Until The End of Time (Lui Calibre)

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Until The End of Time (Lui Calibre)

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"Who are you?"My 5 year old self giggles looking at the little boy trying to do a cartwheel

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"Who are you?"My 5 year old self giggles looking at the little boy trying to do a cartwheel. He stops and walks over to me smiling. "I'm Lui, what's your name?"he giggles. "I'm Y/N!"I smile. "Can I hug you?"he asks and I nod smiling. When he wrapped his small arms around me a new friendship was started. "Are we gonna be friends for a long time?"I ask as we separate from the hug. "Until the end, I promise"he smiles.
*13 years later*

"Lui! You're in a gang!"I say my eyes wide. "Eh..yea sorta.."he mumbles. "That's not safe"I say stepping closer to him. "I know but they are helping me pay for everything I need Y/N/N" (Your nickname) he sighs wrapping his arms around me. "You're only 19 Lui"I whisper hugging him. "I know but I need the money..I'm not leaving you though. Until the end of time"he says kissing the top of my head. I nod and bury my head in his chest. I hope he's safe.
*13 years later*

"Y/N, I tried to talk him out of it, he still wants to go"Evan sighs putting a hand on my shoulder. "He's gonna die Evan"I sob and he wraps his arms around me. Now Lui is still in a gang. But it's a different one and I actually like these people. "I told him the risks, he just won't budge"Evan mumbles squeezing me. "Is everyone ready?"Delirious sighs from the doorway. "Yea"Evan says frowning. "Where Lui?"I mumble and he points to the computer room. I run there to see him leaving. Ignoring everyone and everything other than him, I run over to him and smash my lips into his. Everything that he was holding falls to the floor and he wraps his arms around me. I couldn't lose him. "Lui, please don't go, I can't lose you"I cry and he sighs. He kisses my nose and wipes my face. "I'm sorry Y/N/N, they need me"he says before walking off towards the rest of the guys. "I'm sorry Y/N"I hear from behind me. I turn to see Brock and I force a smile. "You staying here?"I ask and he nods. "She make you?"I ask referring to his fiancée. He shakes his head and I see tears in his eyes. I hear the door shut but walk closer to Brock. "What happened?"I ask wrapping my arms around him. "She left me"he whispers and I frown. "I'm sorry Brock"I sigh hugging him, feeling the tears hit my head.

*later that night*

I run into the hospital feeling the tears roll down my face. "Lui Calibre"I say and the lady frowns. "13b"she says and I run to his room. When I get there my heart breaks. I run to him and hug him. "Hey beautiful"he chuckles/groans. "I told you not to go, you should have listened! I don't want to lose you"I sob hugging him. He sighs and kisses my head. "I'm sorry..I'm dying...I'm lucky if I make it through the night they said"he says and I cry harder. "I'm sorry"he whispers and quickly presses his lips against mine. "I love you"he says and my heart stops. "I love you too"I whisper and I hear his heartbeat slowing down. "Until the end of time. Please move on and be happy. Don't let me stop you"he whispers and his slows until it stops. I press my lips against his as the tears fall. "Y/N"Brock sighs from behind me. I run to him and hug him. "Brock, he's gone"I sob into his chest. "I know baby girl"he sighs hugging me.

*10 years later*

"Hey Lui, I miss you, I got engaged today though. I love him, I really do. He misses you too, you know? He didn't want to come over here but he's here. I'm moving. We are leaving this place. We are going to start a new life. All of us. Even the guys. We decided on going up to Canada, isn't that cool?"I laugh wiping my eyes. "Goodbye Lui"I whisper sitting the flowers by his grave. "Come on baby, let's go"I hear my wonderful fiancé say, wrapping his arms around my waist. We walk to the car and slide in. He places one hand on the wheel and one on my thigh. "I love you Y/N"He smiles and I place a hand on top of his. "I love you Brock"

Hey guyysss! Who all expected that? I thought it would be better if I used one of the guys rather than some random guy. I thought this was sad but cute. Tell me what you guys thought! Comment, Vote, Share, etc! Byeeeeee xx

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