I Love You...Like A Sister (CaRtOoNz and H2O Delirious)

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I Love You...Like A Sister (CaRtOoNz and H2O Delirious)

Like A Sister (CaRtOoNz and H2O Delirious)

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*Age 6*

"Y/N!"I hear a familiar boy yell from across the park as he runs towards me, smiling. "Hi Luke!"I giggle and He picks me up, twirling me around (Luke is 11 at this time and your the same age as Del). "I've missed you"I mumble and he smiles down at me. "I've missed you too dork, where's Jon?"He asks and I shrug. "His mommy is supposed to bring him over soon"I say with a small smile on my face. "Oh! Lukey! Guess what!"I exclaim as I start jumping up and down with an excited smile on my face. He chuckles and bends down to my height. "What Y/N?"He asks and my smile widens. "I got a boyfriend!"I squeal and he looks at me weirdly. "A boyfriend? You are like what, 6?"He chuckles and I nod. He just shakes his head and ruffles my hair. "Whatever kiddo"He says and I frown. "Aren't you happy for me?"I ask sadly and he frowns. "Aw Y/N don't be upset, of course I am"He says and kisses the top of my head. "Who's your boyfriend?"He asks and I giggle. Before I can say anything I hear a squeal. "Y/N! Luke!"Jon squeals and runs to us. He almost knocks me over and Luke catches me. "Hey! Hands off!"Jon pouts as he grabs my hand. Luke looks down at me with a smirk. "So Jon's your boyfriend?"He asks and I feel my face heat up. "Who else would it be?!"Jon exclaims causing Luke to laugh lightly. "Sorry little dude, I didn't know"He smiles and Jon giggles. "It's okay"He says before hugging Luke. After he pulls out of the hug he grabs my hand and kisses my cheek. "Let's go swing!"He exclaims and I giggle as he drags me to the swings. I glance behind me to see Luke following with a small smile on his face.

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