Anti? (Jacksepticeye)

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Anti? (Jacksepticeye)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I wrap my arms around myself as I continue walking

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Anti? (Jacksepticeye)
I wrap my arms around myself as I continue walking. "It's freezing out here"I mumble trying to warm myself up. I turn into the alley behind my house and sigh. I hear the sound of something metal hitting the ground and I freeze. "Well, hello there"I hear someone say from the shadows. "Who's there?"I ask confused. "The names none of your business call me Anti though"he chuckles coming into view. "What do you want?"I ask backing up slightly. "Well I want you but you keep walking away"he sighs sticking his bottom lip out slightly. I feel my back hit a wall and my heart speeds up. "I'm not going to hurt you"he mumbles as he gets closer. "How am I supposed to believe you?"I ask looking away from him. He suddenly places a hand on my face and presses his forehead against mine. "Well Y/N, I like you and my friend likes you too so I can't hurt you. You're too amazing and beautiful to hurt anyways"he says with a side smile. I look into his eyes and notice one was a dark blue and one was a medium colored green.

 I look into his eyes and notice one was a dark blue and one was a medium colored green

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"I like your eyes"I mumble making him smile more. I feel one of his arms snake around my waist as he pulls my body close to his. "Well I like your eyes too"he says and buries his face in my neck. I feel my heart speed up as he places a light kiss above my collarbone. "Let's get you home, shall we?"he mumbles moving so that his forehead was against mine once more. I nod slowly and he grabs my hand pulling me to my house. As soon as we get to my door he turns to walk off. "Anti?"I say causing him to look back at me. "Ill see you soon beautiful"he winks and walks into the darkness. That was...well interesting...
I sigh as I walk out of my house. I haven't been able to sleep. I wait every night to see if Anti comes back. He doesn't. I run my hand through my hair as I walk into the café. I hate to admit it but I miss him. He makes my heart speed up and my depression slip away. I order a drink and wait for them to call my name. "Jack"they call and I look up. Then I see him. Anti. He looked slightly different though. He had 2 light blue eyes and he was dressed in lighter colors instead of darker colors. I notice his hair is a bright green too. I didn't notice that before. I didn't notice I was staring until he smiled at me. He grabbed his drink and sat across from me. I see another drink in his hand and realize it's mine. "Thought you might want this"he says his eyes sparkling. "Thank you"I say my face turning red. "You look familiar, do I know you?"he asks furrowing his eyebrows. "No but I know someone who looks a lot like you"I say a smile creeping onto my face. "Oh, who?"he asks with a small smile. "He says to call him Anti"I shrug and he goes pale. "Oh I know him"he chuckles nervously. "I think he's pretty cool"I shrug taking a sip from my drink. "Well, I'm Sean, call me Jack though I like it better"he says holding out his hand "well I'm Y/N"I smile shaking his hand. After a while we exchange numbers and part our ways. It was late by the time I left the café. I walk outside at about 10 and start heading home. I had been walking for about 5 minutes before I heard a familiar chuckle. "Hey baby"I hear him say. I turn to see Anti standing in the shadows. "Anti"I say a smile making it's way on my face. He smiles and wraps an arm around my waist. "Y/N"he smiles making my heart flutter. "So you've met Jack, huh?"he chuckles and I nod. "Did he mention we are the same person?"he asks a smirk on his face. I feel my heart stop for a second as my eyes widen. "I knew it"I whisper making him chuckle. "He's just the Happy bright one while I'm the arrogant dark one, sometimes though I show through during the day and sometimes he shows through during the night"he says and buries his face in my neck. I keep quiet as we stand like this for a while. "Anti?"I whisper biting my lip. "Yea?"he says placing a light kiss on my neck. "Can Jack see me or hear me?"I ask and he nods. "Yea, he's awake right now so he can"he says and I smile. "Can we go somewhere else?"I ask and he smiles while kissing my neck once more. "Sure we can go to my house"he smiles and we start to walk. I feel my heart speed up as his fingers intertwine with mine. We get to his house and he lays on the couch. I smile as he grabs my waist and pulls me down on the couch. "I like you"he mumbles kissing my neck. I smile and press my lips against his. "I like you too, I feel myself being drawn to you"I whisper cuddling up to him. He grabs my face and softly leans down pressing his lips against mine. Our lips mold together perfectly, moving in sync. After a while he slowly pulls away and presses his forehead against mine. I notice his eyes turn back to their beautiful blue color and I smile. "Hey Jack"I smile. "I'm glad I decided to stay up"he says with a lazy smile. I giggle and lay my head on his chest. After a few minutes of silence he asks me something. "Do you like me? Or is it just Anti you like?"he frowns squeezing me. "I like you and Anti you are the same person. Just slightly different personalities"I smile and kiss him. He smiles but kisses back without hesitation. "Jack?"I mumble against his lips. "Yea?"he mumbles back. "I really like you, all of you not just Anti I really like you too"I whisper resting my forehead against his. "Well luckily if you get one of us you get the other too then"he winks smiling. I just smile laughing lightly. "Y/N will you be both Mine and Anti's girlfriend?"he asks smiling. "Of course"I smile and kiss him once more. Everything is perfect. Or so I thought.
Hey guys! I hope you all enjoyed! Part 2, maybe? Tell me what you think. Byeee

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