Can I Do Your Make up? (Lui Calibre)

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Can I do your make-up? (Lui Calibre)

"Lui when are you coming home?"I sigh over the phone. "Soon Princess give me about 5 or 10 minutes, okay?"he chuckles and I smile. "Okay"I giggle and I can tell he is smiling. "I love you"he says. "I love you too"I smile as he hangs up. I grab all my make up and sit it on my nightstand. He won't even expect it. I sit on the bed and start playing on my phone. "Baby, I'm home!"I hear Lui yell making me smile. He walks in the bedroom and I hug him. "Hi"I mumble my face buried in his neck. "Hey beautiful"he smiles kissing my head. "Do you love me?"I ask innocently. "Well obviously"he smiles shaking his head. "Well since you love me so much can I do your make up?"I ask and his eyes widen. "No"he squeals and I pout. "Pleaassseeee"I whine squeezing him. "Fine"he sighs and I squeal. "Yay! Now sit on the bed and let me do it"I smile grabbing my make up. He groans and sits on our bed. "You are lucky I love you"he grumbles closing his eyes. I start with his eyebrows and then move to his eyelids. After putting some eye shadow on him I grab my lipstick and lip gloss. "Are you almost done?"he grumbles and I laugh lightly as I finish. "Now I'm done"I smile and take a couple pictures. "You look great babe"I smile and he smirks. "I bet I do"he says and kisses my cheek. "Baaaaabbbbbeeeee now I have lipstick on my face"I grumbles wiping my cheek. "Oh I'm sorry here let me help"he smirks before kissing my face all over. I squeal and try to get away but I couldn't. Then he smashes his lips into mine and I can't help but smile. "I love you"he whispers as he pulls away. "And I love you"I smile. He grabs one of my make up wipes and starts to wipe my face. "You're so beautiful"he whisper as he runs the wipe over my bottom lip. I feel my face heat up and he continues to the wipe the lipstick off my face. When he finishes getting the make up off both me and him we lay down on the bed, cuddling. "You know, you are most definitely the sweetest guy I know"I whisper looking into his eyes. "And you are most definitely the most beautiful girl I know"he whispers smiling at me. "Are you sure about that?"I mumble closing my eyes. "Positive"he says as I drift off to sleep.
"Good morning beautiful"I hear Lui sweetly whisper in my ear. My eyes flutter open and Lui smiles. "Did you have a nice nap?"he asks kissing my head. "Yea I'm still tired though"I mumble and close my eyes again. "Babbee wake upppp"he whines and crawls on top of me. "No"I grumble and shove my face in my pillow. "Fine I'll go play laser tag by myself"he says getting up. I instantly jump out of bed and run to him. I throw my hair up in a ponytail and grab my shoes. He just looks at me chuckling. I slip my shoes on, grab my phone, then link my hand with his. "Lets go"I smile and he shakes his head as we walk outside. He opens the passenger door for me and I smile. While sliding in the seat I thank him. He shuts the door and gets in the driver's seat before starting the car and driving off. Once we arrive at the laser tag/aracade we get out. After he locks the car he grabs my hand and we walk inside. "Hello Welcome, how may I help you?"the lady at the desk smiles. "Can we have two cards each with $50 on them and a couple tickets for laser tag and go karting, please?"Lui smiles. "Is 4 for both enough?"she asks and he nods. "okay well $140 is your total and don't forget about the free buffet!"she smiles handing us the cards and tickets. Lui hands her the money and we are off. "Where to first?"he asks and I smile. "Go karting"I say and he pulls me towards the go karting. After 2 races we decide to do a few aracade games. "Okay so meet back here in about 30 minutes?"he suggests and I nod before hurrying off. Me and him both love coming here. Its close and we always have loads of fun. After 30 minutes we meet up and eat. "I love their pizza"I say smiling at Lui. "Same it's great"he grins. "When we play laser tag its gonna be me vs. you and I am gonna beat your booty"I smile and he smirks. "I think you got this twisted sweetheart I'm going to be beating your booty"he says and we head to laser tag. "Bring it on munchkin"I smirk and he glares at me. "You're going down"he says and we hear the count down. "3,2,1, GO"and then we were off.
Hey guys I hope you all enjoyed this Lui imagine! I kind of would love for this to happen. Anyways remember I do enjoy writing requests so please do request! Anyways tell me what you guys think! Vote, comment, share, etc. Byee

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