Hi I'm Marcel (BasicallyIDoWrk)

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Hi I'm Marcel (BasicallyIDoWrk)
"Come on"I groan as a kid cuts in front of me in line. "Kid move"I groan. "No I got here first you big Meany head"he says sticking his tongue out. I groan and roll my eyes. Looks like I'll never meet these YouTubers. "We are closing in 10 minutes"a voice says over the intercom and I groan. "Well this sucks dick"I mumble. I wasn't even close to meeting them. I sigh and start to walk off. I grab my bag and walk outside. I sit outside when suddenly I feel myself drifting to sleep. A few minutes won't hurt me, right? I close my eyes and suddenly I'm tapped on my shoulder. I slowly open my eyes to see a very familiar face. "Hi I'm Marcel"he smiles. I feel my eyes widen. "I'm Y/N"I say quietly. "You seem tired"he frowns. "I am..I waited so long to meet you guys... but I didn't.. people kept getting in front of me.."I sigh hugging my knees to my chest. "Well now you met me"he laughs. I smile and he holds a hand out. I grab it and he pulls be to my feet. "Can we take a picture?"I ask smiling at him. "Of course!"he chuckles. After taking a few pictures he has to leave. "Well Y/N I'm glad we met I hope I see you again soon!"he smiles hugging me. "Bye Marcel"I frown as he walks off. After a few minutes I feel something hit my leg. I look down to see a mask....Delirious's mask. I pick it up confused..I look around until I see someone curled up on the ground. I gasp and run to him still holding the mask. I hear crying coming from him and I instantly start to help him. "Del?"I whisper. He stops crying and I hand him his mask. I turn and he puts it on. "Are you okay"I whisper and make him look at me. It was weird seeing a grown man on the ground crying. "They found out"he whispers bringing his knees to his chest. "What did they find out?"I ask wrapping my arms around him. "That I'm Bisexual"he says and my eyes widen. "Who found out?"I ask rubbing his back. "Some of the fans, they beat me"he whisper looking at me with glossy eyes. "Lets get you to the guys Del"I whisper helping him up. As we walk I notice him limping. "Is your leg okay?"I ask frowning. He shakes his head and I stop him so I can look at it. I gasp when I see it was black and blue but also bleeding. "Oh my"I gasp and pull my jacket off. I wrap it around his leg and look up at him. "We have a short amount of time to get to the guys or else you'll have that leg cut off"I say making his eyes go big. We hurry to the guys and get there in about 3 minutes. "Oh my God Delirious what happened"Evan gasps running over to grab him. "Y/N! Are you okay?"Marcel asks running over to me. I nod and Delirious laughs. "I'm over here dying but you ask if she's okay"he chuckles sitting down. Marcel's face turns slightly pink and he looks down. "We need to get him to a hospital"I say as I watch deliruous. He looked like he was gonna pass out. Evan called an ambulance while everyone else tried to keep del awake. "I'm going with"Evan says obviously worried. "I want Y/N to go with too"Delirious whispers. They all nod and I smile. "Hang in there Del you'll be alright"I whisper as the ambulance pulls up next to us. "If they ask you are my sister or something"he mumbles playing with my hand. I nod and I see Evan glaring at the ground. The ambulance grabs delirious and I get in. Evan tries to get in but they stop him. "Who are you to him?"they ask and he growls. "Boyfriend now let me in"he says making delirious choke slightly and me giggle. He so liked him. They let him in and he grabs delirious's right hand as I grab his left. "I like you del I really do"he whispers making delirious chuckle. "I like you too Evan"he whispers as he closes his eyes. "Hey lover boy don't fall asleep"I laugh making him open his eyes. "Sir we need to take your mask off"the lady smiles. He just shrugs and motions for me to take it. I take it off him and gasp. He's good looking, too bad he's gay for Evan. When we get to the hospital Marcel runs up to me. "Y/N!"he says wrapping his arms around me. "Hey Marcel"I mumble into his shoulder. "Is it true"he whispers. "What?"I ask confused. "you and delirious are together"he mumbles. I just laugh. I laugh so hard I start crying. "He likes Evan"I choke and trip. I squeal as I fall into Marcel. He tumbles over and grunts. I feel my lips connect to even softer ones and my eyes widen. Soon enough I close my eyes and melt into the kiss. "Awww now get the hell up"I hear a voice I recognize as wildcat's say. Marcel smiles and so do I. I stand up and so does Marcel. If it wasn't for Delirious that wouldn't have happened. Thanks Del.

Hey guys here is my first BasicallyIDoWrk imagine! Wooo! Yes I put Evan and Delirious together cause why not right? Anyways please do request one! I would love to do some requested ones!

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