Let's Kill Together (H2O Delirious)

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Let's Kill Together (H2O Delirious)
So you all know this will be different and I really love this one cx this is a request from nicolestokes52
In this Delirious is a serial killer who is sent to kill Nicole and her family this will be interesting

"Bub I'm gonna go sleep, I love you"I smile up at my brother. "Okay Goodnight sis, I love you too"he smiles as I walk to my room. Little did I know that would be the last time I ever talked to my brother again. "Goodnight"I smile at my oldest brother. "Goodnight Nicole"he smiles and I head to my room. If you didn't know we are all over 18 and just live together, for now at least. I walk in my room and shut the door. I make sure I lock it and I lock my window. I slip into my pajamas and get in bed. Hopefully tomorrow will be a day like today. Amazing.

Delirious's Pov

I cackle lightly as I look at my knife that's covered in blood and the guy falls to the floor. "2 down one to go"I say smirking under my mask. I walk towards the last room and pick the lock. I open the door to see a couple strands of dark brown hair sticking out from the blanket and smile evily. I walk closer and see her face. She's beautiful. I push some hair out of her face and smile slightly. "Can I just keep you?"I mumble lightly. she shifts slightly and I just walk to the bathroom. After I was my knife off I out it in my bag and walk over to her. "I don't want to kill you"I whisper and pick her up. I carry her outside and into my car. "You can stay with me little one, I'll take very good care of you"I smirk as I drive off. After I get to my house I take her to my guest room. I lay her on the bed and run a hand through her dark brown hair. She shifts slightly and her eyes flutter open. As soon as they land on me they widen. "Who are you?!"she says backing away from me. "I'm Delirious and I killed your family"I shrug and her eyes widen more. I see tears brim her eyes and I frown. "W-why did y-you do that"she chokes out slowly getting out of the bed. "Because I was told to or else, they Also gave me money"I say staring into her dark brown watery eyes. A few tears run down her face and I wipe them. "I can't kill you though, you're too beautiful to kill"I whisper fixing my mask and placing my hand on the side of her head. Her eyes widen and the tears stop.  "Y-you think I'm beautiful?"she mumbles and I smile from under my mask. "Well of course I do or you would be dead"I giggle and I see a sad smile forming on her face. "Can I take your mask off?"she asks softly making me freeze. I look into her glossy eyes and sigh, nodding and hoping I made the right choice. She pulls it up slowly and I feel my heart racing in my chest. She pulls it all the way off I sits it down. Then she looks at me with a small smile. She puts a hand in my face and I feel my heart stop for a second. What if I would have killed her? Would I feel like this? Maybe worse? "Stop thinking so much"she whispers and lays her head on my chest.

Nicole's Pov

I don't know why I feel like this. This guy killed my brothers. I feel so safe though.. I sigh and he wraps his arms around my waist. I feel my heart speed up and I stand up straight again. He frowns for a second then quickly covers it up by coughing. "Are you hungry, baby? I can get you some food"he smiles making my heart skip a beat. I nod and he kisses the top of my head before walking out. I slowly follow him without him noticing and he starts to make something. Pancakes. I smile and walk up behind him. I wrap my arms around his waist making him flinch slightly until he noticed who it was. "Just couldn't wait could ya"he chuckles and I smile resting my head on his back. After he finishes cooking he turns around and grabs my waist. "Let's kill together"he says making my eyes widen for a fraction of a second. "You don't have to, you can stay here and I can just do it myself"he says as soon as he noticed the look on my face. I grab his face and smash my lips into his. As soon as I pull away I smile. "No, let's kill together"I whisper making him smile. "I knew you were special"he whispers and smashes his lips into mine once more. I smile and push myself closer to him. I may be crazy but so is he. We'll be crazy together.
Hey guys I hope you all enjoyed this one! I did honestly. I was going to publish it yesterday but I didn't have time sadly. Here it is though!

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