Loving You (VanossGaming)

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Hey everyone just wanted to warn you. This is VERY short and different. It is maybe half the length of the rest. There is a reason. I feel as though this is a problem in life. Some people fall in love with people who they think will never love them. It is hard for those people. To fall in love with a youtuber just to figure out it won't work. You get this special feeling that you have never had before. You feel safe and protected. You are happy. It sucks when you can't be with the one you are head over heels for. You might not end up with that person but you will find someone. Even if you fell for that cute guy or girl on YouTube. You will get through it. Anyways continue on. Hope you enjoy.
Loving You (VanossGaming)
I smile as I open my computer. I search Vanossgaming and click a gmod video. As it comes to an end I smile. "Nooooo"Vanoss whines as Basically catches him. Delirious laughs his psychotic laugh and the video ends. I smile and go on twitter. I decide to tweet Vanoss. 'Hey Vanoss, I loved today's video! Anyways I love you and you should definitely play some more Gmod games!'after I tag him I tweet it. I love him. He's funny. He's cute. He's sweet. Do you ever wonder if it's possible to fall in love with a youtuber? Well it is. Many think "oh you just think they are cute" some will make fun of you. Some will hate on you. They don't know you. Don't let them hurt you. Here is why it is possible to fall in love with a Youtuber, no matter the age. You may not personally know the person but you watch them so much. It feels as though you are there with them. You feel tingly when you see them or think about them. You smile when you think about them. You watch their videos more than once. You also try to seem calm and casual when tweeting them. You feel like you've been watching them on YouTube for longer than you have. You feel like you know them. You sit and daydream about this person. You bring them up a lot. You always imagine a future with them. If you feel like you love them more than anything and anyone. If you feel amazing just by watching their videos. If the person makes you happy and makes you feel safe. I know some may think this is not true. But think. Compare. How do you feel about other youtubers? How do they make you feel? How do you feel about friends? How do they make you feel? And How do you feel about family? How do they make you feel? If it's a new feeling to you. If most of this describes you. I'm sorry but you Ma'am or Sir are probably in love with a Youtuber. Just like me. I am in love with a Youtuber with the name of Evan or better known as Vanossgaming. "I love you so much it hurts"I say as i scroll through Vanoss's twitter. "But you know what really really sucks?"I whisper looking at my computer screen. I can feel my heart ripping as I say the last few words. "You will never love me back"

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