Cut Off Parts

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For some reason this was cut off of You're Adorable. So here's the rest of it!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"You look beautiful, where are you going?"Ohm asks and I shrug

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"You look beautiful, where are you going?"Ohm asks and I shrug. "Bryce is taking me out to get my mind off things"I sigh and he nods before slowly wrapping his arms around me. "Be careful"he whispers and I chuckle. "I will Ryan, don't worry"I whisper and he let's go of me. He softly kisses the top of my head before walking out. "You look beautiful"I hear a familiar voice say and I turn to see not Bryce but Delirious. "Hey Del, what's up?"I smile and he sits on my bed with a sigh. "How are you doing?"He asks and I sit next to him. "I mean.. I'm getting better. How are you doing Del?"I ask softly and he looks at me with tears in his eyes. "I miss him"he whispers and I almost automatically wrap my arms around him. "He was an ass sometimes but he was still one of my best friends for the longest time.."he says quietly and I could tell he was crying. He buries his face in my neck and I just let him cry. "I love you John. I'm so sorry"I whisper and he pulls away from me. "I love you too Y/N.. Thank you.. I know it's affecting you too"he whispers before softly pressing his lips against my cheek. His blue eyes were shining brighter now and his hair was sticking in every direction. "You look like a mess"I chuckle and he smiles slightly. "Well you look beautiful so I guess I had to be the one to look like a wreck"He says and I kiss his cheek before standing up. "Go to your date now I'll be fine"he smiles and I nod before hugging him and leaving to find Bryce. When I find him he's in the living room talking to Mini. "Bryce? Are you ready?"I ask and he spins around to face me. "Y/N.."he whispers in awe and I feel my face heat up. "You look beautiful"He mumbles and Mini nods in agreement. "Thank you"I say and do a little spin before giggling. "Well let's go, don't want to miss our reservations"he chuckles before sliding his hand into mine. I nod before waving at Mini and leaving. We end up going to a nice restaurant and then going to a nearby park afterwards. "You know I never realized how beautiful the stars were"I mumble as I swing while staring at the sky. "I've always loved the stars"Bryce whispers and I feel a sad smile form on my face. "I used to get told that everytime someone dies they become a star. Then they watch over you"I whisper and Bryce interlaces our fingers before kissing my hand. "I wonder if Tyler is looking down on us"I mumble and Bryce stands up before walking in front of me. "I bet he is with a smile on his face, He loved you so much"He mumbles and I feel tears gather in my eyes. He quickly pulls me into his arms and the tears slowly fall from my eyes. "I miss him so much"I say quietly and Bryce sighs. "I know princess"he whispers and I look up at him. "Thank you for being here for me"I whisper and he smiles. "I love you, Of course I'm here"he says softly causing my heart to flutter. "I love you too Bryce"I mumble and he chuckles. "You're adorable. Y/N, I love you"he says leaning his forehead against mine. I giggle softly and kiss his cheek. "I know and I love you too"I whisper causing his eyes to widen and I just kiss his nose before giggling once more before laying my head on his chest. I wasn't lying, I did love Bryce. I loved him longer and I just pushed it to the side when I met Tyler. He's my one and only, I just didn't want to admit it until now.
Hey everyone! This is part 2 of You're adorable! I hope you all enjoyed! Tell me what you all thought and the next one is supposed to be Moo but I might add something else before it, haven't decided. Anyways Comment, Vote, Share, etc. Byyyyeeeee! xx

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