Cheating? (H2O Delirious and Cartoonz)

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Cheating? (H2O Delirious and Cartoonz)

Cheating? (H2O Delirious and Cartoonz)

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Heres a gang beasts Del! c:

I love this picture of Cartoonz tbh

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I love this picture of Cartoonz tbh. <3

"Y/N"Del whines as he lays his head on my lap. "Johhnnn"I whine, mocking him. He juts his bottom lip out pouting and I smile. "Baby"he whispers looking up at me. "Yea?"I mumble running my hand through his soft hair. "I have to leave soon to go make some videos"he sighs and I nod slowly. We barely ever get to spend a lot of time together. It sucks but he has a job to do. He sits up and kisses my forehead. "I love you"he mumbles and I force smile. "I love you too, now go"I laugh and he walks off. I feel a tear roll down my face and I pull out my phone. I dial a number I've dialed many times and wait for an answer. "Luke, can you come over?"I say my voice cracking slightly. "Of course"he says and I hear him shuffling around. "I was actually just headed to you and Del's anyways"he says and I hear him start his car. "Okay"I whisper and he says a quick goodbye before hanging up. I let the tears roll down my face as I lay down hugging the couch pillows. After a few minutes the front door opens and I sit up. "Hey"Luke whispers as he sits next to me, wrapping his arms around me. I bury my head in his chest, sobbing. "Ssshh, it's okay"he whispers rubbing my back. We stay like this for a while and then start to watch movies. This was a routine for us by now. Delirious leaves to edit and stuff and Luke comes over to comfort me, well if he's not playing with Delirious that is.
"Baabbbeee"I hear Delirious say as he walks out of his gaming room. Luke was passed out on the couch, his head on my lap. "Yea Del?"I say hoping I didn't have red eyes. "When did Luke get here?"he asks confused. "He came over when you we're editing, we just watched some movies and he fell asleep"I say and he frowns. "Okay well come here"he says jutting his bottom lip out. I feel myself smile as I get up and put a pillow under Luke's head. I walk over to Del and hug him. "I love you so much, don't forget that either, and I know you've been hurting. I know Luke has been coming over to comfort you and I'm sorry. I should be treating you way better than I have been"Delirious sighs squeezing me. I feel my eyes fill with tears as I squeeze him tighter. "I love you too, so so much"I whisper leaning up and pressing my lips against his cheek. He places two fingers under my chin and presses his lips against mine. I hear his phone ringing and I sigh, laying my head on his chest. "Hello"he says answering it. "Alright, I'll be there in a few"he says, once they answer him, with a small smile on his face. He hangs up and kisses my forehead. "That was Nogla, I have to go, I'll be back tonight. I love you"he says resting his forehead against mine. I sigh a deep frown on my face as I nod slowly. "I'm sorry princess"he sighs and presses his lips against mine. "I love you"he mumbles against my lips. "I love you too"I say as he pulls away. He pecks my lips once more before leaving. I sigh and go back by Luke. I notice he is still asleep so I curl up next to him. He shifts slightly and his eyes open. "Y/N? Are you okay?"he asks and I nod moving closer to him. He wraps his arms around me and kisses the top of my head. "Did you talk to Del?"he asks and I nod once more. "Okay, Good"he smiles. "He left though, Nogla called"I sigh and he frowns. "Nogla isn't in town"He says obviously confused. I feel my heart shatter when he says that. "Then who is he going to meet?"I ask jumping up, tears in my eyes. "I'm so sorry"Luke says and stands up. "Is.. is he cheating on me?"I whisper and Luke looks at the ground. "YOU KNEW"I scream, tears rolling down my face. "I didn't think you would believe me if I told you"he whispers. He was right. I wouldn't have. I sigh wiping my face. "You're right"I sigh. "Come here"he sighs pulling me to his chest. I look up at him hugging him. He looks down at me resting his forehead against mine. "Is it bad that I really want to kiss you right now?"he asks and starts to bury his face in my neck. I feel my heart speed up and I clench my hands. "Is it?"he hums against my neck. I feel a shiver run up my spine and I gasp quietly. "Luke"I whisper and he smiles slightly. I feel him lightly kiss my neck before pulling away to look into my eyes. His brown eyes twinkle in the light making me smile slightly. He smiles and the next thing I know his lips are on mine. I feel myself melt into the kiss and my legs turn to Jello. I lean on him for support and he wraps a tight arm around my waist, holding me up. "I've been wanting to do that for so long"he mumbles and I smile. "How long exactly?"I ask smiling up at him. "About the whole time I've known you"he says looking down at me with a smirk. I chuckle and lay my head on his chest. We stand like this for a while then the front door opens. "Baby, I'm home"Delirious says and I feel the tears filling my eyes. "You lying asshole"I spat and smack him. His eyes flash with hurt but he doesn't say anything. "She knows bro"Luke says and wraps an arm around my shoulders. "Do you know the whole truth or?.."he whispers looking at his feet. I shake my head and he laughs lightly. "I've been meaning to talk to you about this. Y/N, I was with Evan"He says and suddenly I'm confused again. "What?"I say and he looks at me. "I cheated on you, Yes, but it wasn't with...a girl.."He says and my eyes widen. Evan. "Oh"I say and he nods slowly. "So you're gay"I say and he nods. "So this means you guys aren't together now, right?"Luke says and we both nod. Next thing I know a soft pair of lips are on mine. "Holy shit Luke"Delirious laughs. I wrap my arms around Luke's neck and he smiles. "Well I didn't expect this to be going on when I walked in"I hear a familiar voice laugh. I pull away from Luke smiling. "EVAN"I squeal and jump on him. He chuckles catching me. "So you aren't mad at me?"he says hugging me. "Of course not"I smile and go back by Luke. "Well then you wouldn't mind me moving here then?"Evan says, well asks, looking at me. "Thats fine"I smile. He smiles back and that's when I knew. Maybe this was all for the best. I feel Luke kiss my head and we all start to just talk about everything and anything.

Hey guys! I hope you all enjoyed! I honestly liked the whole Delirious and Vanoss/Evan thing cx anyways Comment, Vote, Share, etc. Byyee.

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