So Sweet (H2O Delirious)

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So Sweet (H2O Delirious)

Here's some fan art! Enjoy!

Here's some fan art! Enjoy!

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*Age 7*

"Hey are you alright?"I ask quietly as I walk up to a crying boy. He stops crying and wipes his face before looking at me. He looked like he was a year or two older than me. "Yea just had a bad day"He mumbles before smiling down at me. I slowly hug him, surprising him slightly. It doesn't take long for him to relax and hug me back. Then he falls into my arms crying. I could tell he was broken and I wanted nothing more than for him to be okay. Since I'm so small I fall onto the ground, holding him, but I didn't care. "It's gonna be okay"I whisper and he wipes his face. "I'm sorry that I knocked you down"He whispers and I giggle. "I don't mind, I'm Y/N by the way"I say smiling and a small smile makes its way onto his face. "I'm Johnathon but call me John"He mumbles and I grab his hands. "Well John, if you ever need someone, I'll always be here"

*Age 13*

"John!"I squeal and he chuckles while burying his face in my neck. "You're adorable"He mumbles and I feel my face heat up. "Not really"I mumble and he pulls away from me with a frown. "Yes you are. You're adorable, beautiful, gorgeous, cute, amazing, and everything else good! Don't you ever think otherwise"He says and leans down so that his forehead is pressed against mine. "You're so sweet"I mumble with a smile and he kisses my nose. "Only for you"He whispers and I feel my face heat up again. I feel my heart racing in my chest but I ignore it and lay my head on his chest. Before I know what's happening, he has me picked up bridal style and drops me on my bed. He lays next to me and puts his head on my chest before wrapping his arms around my waist. "You're like a teddy bear and I really like teddy bears"He mumbles and I just giggle softly before closing my eyes. 

*Age 16*

"Hoochieee"John screams and I smack him upside his head. "Shut up dick"I mumble and he chuckles before burying his face in my neck. "I love you Y/N"He whispers and I feel myself smiling. "I love you too Johnny"I say and he kisses my neck softly before staying quiet. It wasn't an awkward silence, it was quite calming. We weren't dating but we were really close for sure. He was 17 at the moment while I was only 16. After a few minutes I can hear his soft snores causing my heart to flutter. I play with his dark brown almost black hair for a while before drifting off to sleep. 

*Age 18*

"John? Are you aright?"I ask really concerned when I see him crying on MY bed while curled up in a ball. Why is 19 year old Johnathon crying on my bed? I slowly walk over to him and rub his back. When he looks at me I gasp and he starts to cry harder. He had a cut across his face. "What happened?!?!"I exclaim and he hugs me tightly. "M-My dad got drunk when I was visiting and tried to hurt mom so I stepped in and he cut me. Almost immediately he sobered up and started apologizing but I ran out. (I don't know his sister's name so lets call her Jennifer/Jenny XD) Jenny ran to Luke's house because I told her too"He cries and I feel anger boiling up inside of me. "He did this to you!"I growl and he nods but makes me look into his eyes. His beautiful blue eyes with the green ring in the right one. "As long as you're alright, I'll be fine. It just hurts baby, I'm alright"He whispers and I sigh before hugging him tightly. We still weren't dating, just really close. He pulls out of the hug and kisses my nose, trying to get me to smile. When I don't smile he starts to kiss my whole face, except my lips. I smile slightly and notice he was looking at my lips. "Just kiss me, you dork"I giggle and he smiles before softly pressing his lips against mine.

*Present Time*

"Evan! Stop yelling so god damn much!"I exclaim when I hear his yells coming from John's headset. John, better known as Delirious, had left the room for a minute and I was sitting on the small couch in his recording room. I move to his chair and slide his headset on. "Sorry Y/N"Evan/Vanoss chuckles and I smile slightly. "You're alright, whatcha guys playing?"I ask and Craig/Mini is the one who answers. "Gmod Scary Maps Shiz"he says laughing lightly and I chuckle. "Sounds fun, has anyone screamed like a girl yet?"I ask and almost instantly everyone says Mini did. "Hey baby"I hear a familiar voice whisper and I smile before looking up at him. "Hi John"I smile and he pulls a seat up next to me before wrapping his arms around me and kissing my neck. "Whatcha guys talking about?"he asks and I motion to the screen. He nods and nuzzles his face into my neck. I giggle and I hear Luke groan, acting annoyed. "They're Cunoodling"he says and I raise an eyebrow even though they can't see. "Cunoodling?"I say confused and he nods. "You just wish you could see it"John jokes and now Luke raises an eyebrow. "Bitch if I wanted to see it then I would be at your house"he smirks and I roll my eyes. "Oh shut it, you can have John back so you can record I guess"I chuckle and stand up causing John to whine. "Baabbbee"he whines and I chuckle. "Well we are done pretty much so it's not that big of a deal"Evan chuckles and I just hand John his headset. "I'll be in the bedroom when you're done Johnny"I say and peck his cheek. I go to walk off but he pulls me into his lap and presses his lips against mine. I smile into the kiss but, obviously, I kiss him back. When he pulls away he smiles at me before kissing my nose. "I want to cuddle so hurry up"I mumble and he chuckles. "I will, my love. I just have a little bit left"he whispers and I start to head to our room. After about 30 minutes of laying in bed, I feel arms wrap around my waist. "Why did you have to record on your birthday?"I mumble and he chuckles before kissing my neck. "I still have to upload on my channel, Tomorrow we can do whatever you want though"He says before pressing his lips against my shoulder blade. "No, whatever you want John. Happy birthday"I whisper before turning to look at him. "Thank you. Goodnight, My love"he whispers and I feel my heart flutter as I stare into his beautiful blue eyes. "Goodnight John"

Here's a birthday special for Teddy Bear Delirious ^-^ I hope you all enjoyed. I thought of this idea and decided since it was his birthday I would make it! The next thing up will be a part two to the Wilcat and Bryce one. So anyways! Comment, Vote, Share, etc. Byyyyyeeeee xx

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