Sweetheart you aren't getting away part 2 (Ohmwrecker)

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Sweetheart you aren't getting away part 2 (Ohmwrecker)
(I put a picture of the outfit up top)

"Good morning"Ohm smiles as I walk out of the bathroom. I smile at him as I brush my hair. "So today I have to take care of some things but you are welcome to do whatever"Ohm says grabbing my waist. "Okay"I sigh laying my head on his chest. "Maybe tomorrow we can have some fun together though"he winks making me turn red. "Bye baby"he smiles as he walks off. I finish getting ready and call Bryce. "Hey Bryce"I chirp as I fix my lipstick. "Hi Y/N"he chirps back. "Can you come get me from the hotel?"I ask and he sighs. "I wish I could but me and Evan are out of town"he says and I frown. "Okay I'll call Del"I sigh and say bye. After we hang up I call Delirious. "Hello"he says and I smile. "Hey Trapper can you come get me?"I smile. "Don't call me thattt"he whines. "Pwease"I say making him chuckle. "Fine be there in a sec"he says and I hang up. After a few minutes I hear a knock on the door and rush to answer it. "Hey there"he smirks leaning against the door frame. "Hi John"I smile and he wraps his arm around my shoulders. "Lets go"he smiles and I shut the door. As soon as we get to the car we head to his house. "So you and Ohm huh?"he says and I sigh. "Its complicated, I feel something for him but he just acts like he loves me...I don't think he actually does. I think he just wants me to believe he does"I sigh as we get out. "Maybe, the wraith is kind of someone who messes with people's feelings"he says as we walk in the house. "Yea I just don't know"I whisper and sit on the couch. "Don't worry there will always be room at my place if something happens"he says sitting next to me. "Thanks John but if something happens I might not even get to live"I laugh dryly. "I wouldn't let him hurt you Y/N/N"Delirious says looking me in the eyes. "Thank you"I whisper hugging him. He smiles squeezing me tightly. We stay like this for a while then my phone rings. "Hello"I say and I hear Bryce. "Hi Y/N/N"He chirps making me laugh lightly. "What's up?"I ask as I lay my head on Delirious's shoulder. "So do you want to come over and play some video games, you can bring Delirious if you want everyone else is here except Ohm"he says and I smile. "Of course we'll be there soon"I laugh and hang up. "So let's go"Delirious laughs and I smile. As soon as we get there I feel sick to my stomach. "Something doesn't feel right"I whisper to delirious. "Don't worry too much"he says as we walk in. The house was silent. No sounds. I walk up to Bryce's room and push the door open. He was asleep in his bed. I hear Delirious let of a breath he had been holding as he walks away from the room. I walk over to Bryce and sit on the bed. I smile down at him as I push his hair out of his face. "Y/N"I hear delirious say and I turn to look at him. He was slowly changing into the trapper. Wait...what the hell is going on. "Whats happening"I ask confused. "I don't know but do not leave this room okay"he says his voice suddenly deeper. I nod and lay close to Bryce's sleeping figure. Delirious leaved for a quick second and grabs the other 2. He sits Evan on the end of the bed and Cartoonz on the small couch. "Ill be back watch them"he says walking close to me. "Just know I will do whatever I can to protect you guys"he whispers and kisses the top of my head. Then he walks out and I call Ohm. "Hello"he says me smile slightly but I quickly frown again. "Ohm something is going on at Bryce's house, Del suddenly turned to his trapper form and told me to watch the others and stay where I was"I say quietly. "okay stay where you are I'll be there soon please stay safe, Y/N"he says quietly and hangs up. I move closer to Bryce and he suddenly wraps an arm around me. "Hey"he whispers pulling me close to him. "Hi Bryce"I whisper turning to look at him. His eyes were slightly darker than normal and he looked really tired. "Are you okay?"I ask softly while running a hand through his hair. "Yea just tired had some nightmares"he sighs closing his eyes. "Can you check my stomach for me?"he asks and I nod kind of confused. When I lift his shirt I see a cut. "Holy shit"I gasp and he frowns. "What the fuck"he mumbles. Suddenly his eyes turn so dark they look black. "I feel weird"he whispers and my eyes widen. "J-just close your eyes and come here"I whisper knowing what was happening. He does as I said and pulls me close to him. I squeeze him as a few tears roll down my face. He's going to be one of them. He's so innocent and sweet, why him? He's going to be a killer. Like Del. Like Ohm. They chose him. The door opens and ohm walks in. He sees me crying and his eyes widen. I notice Bryce fell asleep so I tell him. "They chose him Ohm"I say and his eyes widen more. "He has the cut, it's stitched up, his eyes are almost black, and he feels weird"I whisper tears rolling down my face. "I just got him back and they are going to take him"I sob squeezing Bryce. "Baby.."Ohm whispers walking over to me. I feel Evan move and I wipe my face. "Morning Sunshine"I croak with a sad smile. He doesn't reply just falls back asleep. (Ohm is in his wraith form right now btw) I look at ohm and he forces a smile. I feel Bryce shift slightly so I move away from him. I see him changing and I watch. (If you put all this together then it kind of makes Bryce's "killer" look it's a mix between 3 of the 4 killers XD)

 (If you put all this together then it kind of makes Bryce's "killer" look it's a mix between 3 of the 4 killers XD)

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"Oh my"I mumble as Bryce gets up. "Holy shit"I hear ohm mumble. He was tall and skinny still. He looked cool as hell though. "What happened"Bryce mumbles and his eyes widen. His voice was deeper. I left the room so that ohm could explain and found Delirious. "John"I say looking up at him. He just stays quiet as he watches the sun go down. I sigh and hug him. "So he's one of us now"Delirious mumbles and I nod. "He looks cool as hell"I laugh lightly. "I bet"he chuckles hugging me. I sigh as the sun completely disappears from the sky. "Y/N"I hear Bryce say from behind us. I stand up and run over to him. He chuckles as I throw my arms around him. "I'm so sorry"I cry into his chest. "Its fine"he smiles kissing the top of my head. "I'm going to move by you and ohm now so that I can get to work I guess"he laughs lightly.
"Y/N?"Ohm whisper as we lay in our bed. "Yea?"I whisper back looking at him. "I have something to tell you"he whispers and I smile as he gets up. "Okay, Y/N I know I've never said this to you before but now just feels like the right time, I love you more than anything and everything you make me so happy and it's amazing. As soon as you called me from Bryce's house I was so worried. I couldn't let anything happen to you. You are my world. My universe. So please do this for me and make me even happier so that I can do the same for you. Marry me?"he says getting on his knee and pulling out a box. I gasp as tears fill my eyes. I hug him as tears stream down my face. He chuckles while hugging me. "So is that a yes?" "Of course you idiot" "I love you" "I love you too"
Hey guys! Here's another update! 2 in one week wooo. I'm on a roll XD anyways I hope you all enjoyed. The next one will be Cartoonz one! THEN an ohm Request XD I'm sorry there is so much Ohm ones (noo Im nottt) I love ohm, okay? XD I was originally going to do a Bryce one after this but changed my mind c:

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