You're Adorable Part 2 (Bryce Games and I AM WILDCAT)

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You're Adorable Part 2 (Bryce Games and I AM WILDCAT)

You're Adorable Part 2 (Bryce Games and I AM WILDCAT)

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"Are you ready?"Evan asks as he gently squeezes my hand and I nod. No we aren't dating. We were about to make the video announcing Tyler's death. Bryce pushes the record button and I sigh. "Hey guys.. As you can see neither of us are Tyler.. That's because something happened"I say before sucking in a sharp breath. Evan squeezes my hand and I feel the tears brimming my eyes. "a month and a half ago Tyler and Y/N were in a car accident. Tyler jumped in front of Y/N and saved her life.. He was in and out of surgeries for a while.. When Y/N woke up she visited him, which I was in his room at the time along with Craig"Evan says as he closes his eyes. "He kept telling me he loved me and I, of course, said it back.. I didn't thin-"I cut myself off as the tears roll down my cheeks. "Tyler passed away in the hospital"I whisper loud enough for the camera to pick up. "The guy I was in love with.. Died..because he wanted to save me"I choke out and Evan pulls me to his chest. I sob into his chest and he whispers sweet nothings into my ear. Once I calm down he sighs. "Tyler was one of the best friends I could have ever asked for. He seems like an asshole but he's really not"Evan says and a tear rolls down his cheek. "We wanted to inform you guys about his passing and let you know.. You all meant so much to him.. Even if it didn't seem that way.. He loved each and every single one of you... Especially you"Evan says as he looks down at me. "That's really all we have to say about that.. Thank you all for watching.. And enjoy this next little clip of Tyler..Goodbye"I say softly and end the recording. I had made a little video of Tyler. Most was pictures but some was videos. My favorite was the video of him the day we crashed. He was driving and I was recording. There we're multiple great moments.


"Tyler!"I squeal as he takes his free hand off the wheel. "Oh shush we'll be fine. I won't let anything happen to you baby"he smiles before putting his hand back on the steering wheel. "Sureee"I say before giggling. "I'm serious, I love you"he says softly and I kiss his cheek. "I love you too"I say as he kisses my hand.
"EVAN! WHERE IS TYLER!?!"I yell as I storm out of my room. "I don't know"he chuckles as he focuses the camera on me and I hear Tyler's familiar laugh. I follow it to see him standing by the pool talking to Craig. I sneak up being him and before I know it he is turned around and pulling me in the pool with him. God did I love this boy.
"Babbbeee"Tyler whines and I just ignore him causing him to chuckle. "Come on you can't be that mad"he says and I glare at him playfully. "You know who never makes me mad? Evan. Maybe I'll go date him"I say and he glares at me. He quickly pins me to the bed and starts to tickle me causing me to squeal and start laughing. "STOP IT"I squeal. "Then take it back"he says as he continues to tickle me with a smile. "I take it back"I giggle and he stops. "Good"he says before pressing his lips against mine.  It starts to get heated so Craig laughs and covers the camera.
"You look beautiful"Tyler smiles as I walk out of my room. My cheeks turn red as I thank him. "So m'lady are you ready for this amazing first date?"he chuckles and I nod. "Let's go, and Ryan! Stop recording"I say before giggling. Ohm laughs but does as I say.

*End of flashbacks*

Evan slowly gets up and Bryce sits where he was, next to me. "You did good, I'm proud of you"he mumbles before kissing my temple. "I miss him so much"I whisper as Kino comes running to me whining. After Tyler died I decided to stay in Georgia but I took Kino in. "Hey buddy"I say softly and he curls up at Mine and Bryce's feet. I lean down to pet him and Bryce sighs. "Let's go out tonight and do something"Bryce says and I smile at him. "Alright, just let me edit this video then we can go"I say and he chuckles. "You might want to get ready too, I have big plans"he says and I feel my heart flutter. "Okay, give me about 3 hours and I'll be ready"I say and he kisses the top of my head. "Alright"he says before walking out. I quickly edit the video and post it on YouTube. Almost immediately there were comments.

I'm literally crying. I'm so sorry for your loss guys. I will miss him because I'm a fan but you guys will miss him as a friend and lover. Much love to all of  you xx.


Why did it have to be him..

It should have been you!

I think you two would be cute together. 


Tyler will be missed..

I'm so sorry..

He saved your life.. He must of really loved you..

After that one I stop reading them and shut the laptop. "I love you and miss you Tyler"I whisper as tears roll down my face and I hold it to my chest. After I sit the laptop down and wipe my face, I head to my room so I can get ready.
*before date*

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