Thick is the new skinny.

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The state of Colorado snagged the top spot as the skinniest state in a survey of U.S. states.

A girl like me, who weighs 205 pounds doesn't fit into that radius. I was made fun of for my entire childhood and now my teenage years, i am currently 16 years old and i go to raywood high.

"You don't have to wear that sweater all the time" Kate, my best friend, said as she fixed her make-up. Kate was beautiful, if you imagined the perfect girl. You would get her.

"i know but it's low and it hides my waist"

"How many times to do i have to tell you, your not fat?" she asked

"until i actually believe it" i groaned as i moved the boxes from in front of my closet to get my book bag.

"You know people at your new school are going to think your crazy" she laughed

"Awww, kate thanks, because i wasn't already a complete wreck" i answered sarcastically.

I finally reached my book bag which had my cigarettes in it, i was a heavy smoker. It just became my way of releasing stress, also eating but i bet you caught on to that.

"Oh, shut up, they'll love you in the Bronx and I'll be there every weekend to see you" she reassured me.

Kate and I have been bestfriend's right out of the womb, literally. Our mom's are bestfriend's.

Her mom, Shannon and mine Laura had miraculously got pregnant around the same time. Now both are birthdays are on June 6th. Cool right?

"Hurry your brother will be here any minute" I pushed her playfully.

At that same moment a text flashed across my phone.

Can you dumbass come outside? got me waiting.

"Michael texted" i quickly replied to his messages.

Coming asshole.

"he's outside" I started walking to the door and Kate followed behind me.

When we got out Michael had his little honda parked in front of my house. He wasn't alone like usual he had two friends with him.

Kate and I got in to the back seat, the car being small and my thighs not the boy in the back was pushed into the door.

"Fat ass" he mummbled. The boy in the front laughed.

I shook it off, i was called names all the time. This wasn't going to phase me.

"Get out" Kate yelled "Now"

The boy looked at her confused.

"GET OUT!" she screams "Michael, get them out now or i'll tell mom who you brought over last night" she crosses her arms

"Boys got to go, if mom found out i had Sheryl over she'll kill me" he unlocked the doors they grunted but listened and got out.

"you didnt have to do that" i whispered as i looked down at the floor

"No, its cool" Michael smiled at me through the rear view mirror "They should of gotten there ass kicked, but i already have two strikes"

i laughed at his amusing joke, he always had a way to make me feel better, no matter how bad i felt.

When we got to school we were 10 minutes late, there weren't any kids outside except the stoner's who didn't care if they went to class or not.

"i'll meet you at your house after school to say goodbye" Kate started to tear and she hugged me tight.

English was my first period, i hated everyone of the kids in my class, bunch of fucking morons.

"fatty" someone coughed as i walked in

"thunder thighs"

"wide load"

"shutup, everyone" My teacher, Mr. Shultz, yelled as he looked up from the computer.

i sat in my seat and took out my notebook, and started to draw.

That's mostly what my day consisted of, getting called names by self centered dumb bitches.

In all my classes i mostly drew the kids in my classes falling into a volcano or getting hit by a car.


I was finally about to leave this hell hole, the two moving trucks were filled and ready to go.

"im going to miss you" Kate called as the car pulled off "see you friday!" she smiled and waved.

I waved back, not wanting to turn to say anything, i began to cry. I was leaving my terrible life behind but i was leaving the only thing that made it better.

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