Fight for her

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After the crazy window thing the other day, I have decided to go to the park and meet up with Blake.

"Are you sure you want to do this honey?" my mom asked as she handed me a water "do you think its the best move"

"im not going to get back with him.. I don't think im emotionally there right now... and to get my mind off things I took more hours volunteering at the hospital" I fixed my basketball short and tank top.

"alright honey... Kate and I are heading to barnes and noble"

"really?" I looked at her puzzled

"yeah were going to spend alittle girl time since your so preoccupied with boys" she laughs

"oh,haha!" I made fun of her laugh "ill be back in a hour"


When I arrived, Blake was already dribbling the ball away and waiting.

"hey" I walked up behind him.

"jae" he smiled and threw me the ball "glad you came ma" he looked down at me, his eyes were bright red.

"were you smoking?" I asked him taking a shot to the hoop and missed.

"oh na.. not anymore, I quit remember, or ive been trying to stop.. i got shit in my eye the other night when i fell trying to climb into your window" he said blankly

I didn't have an answer, I felt bad, but I shook it off and passed him the ball.

"well we came here to talk....lets talk..." I said alittle while later.

"alright... I know what I did was fucked up, theres nothing that can justify my actions and nothing that can probably take your pain away, I know I said I was weak but that was stupid and it all was.... is there anyway you can give me another chance? I will work my ass off to prove it to you" he sighed " i promise you this time wont be a mistake... this it will all be perfect again"

"I.... I really think that I need time to myself" I bit my lip and tried to take the ball from him as he dribbled the ball "find myself, I cant love someone else until I love myself.."

he shook his head shot the ball.

"that's.... understandable I guess" he sighed hard and caught the ball throwing it down by my feet "does this mean I get a second chance? I get to prove myself or not ma?"

"this means we can be friends Blake.... and maybe throughout it all if you can prove yourself, maybe" I took the ball and held it. "I don't know how long itll take or if I ever will, you wont still love me for that long, you wont care after all that time you might not even care next week"

"I will not stop loving you Jae... I told you how I felt about you... how I felt secure with you, your the only person that knows everything about me, I trust you and I know I lost your fucking trust with my stupid ass stunt but ill win it back.... you have to fucking believe what im saying to you Jae its all the truth.. i told you that i cheated, i have to get some points for that for being a man and telling you instead of you hearing it from that stupid bitch Shiri or on the streets from someone else"

"i give you points for telling me.. but you lost those points for what you told me" i bit my lip "that's really sweet blake"

"see.. if you come back there will be million more amazing sweet moments like this..."

I smiled at him and pushed pass him throwing the ball into the hoop.

"you know... this would of probably been perfect if you hadn't cheated..." I looked away shyly.

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