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I could of walked home and didnt have to wait for Shawn, i thought it would be rude not to take him up on his offer.

I sat outside by his car playing candycrush, it was 7:20 and still no sign of him.


My phone buzzed in my pocket it was a call.

"Hey Blake" i smiled i loved hearing his voice

"Wassup? where ya at?" i could hear his car in the backround "you home?"

"No, volunteered at the hospital"

"You want a ride?"

Shawn came out the hospital, his hair was combed and fixed. He looked amazing.

"No... i-i-i got one" I hung up and smiled brightly at Shawn.

"Did you eat?" He unlocked the car doors "wanna get something to eat?"

"Im not hungry" I got in to his car it smelt of strawberries and i loved it.

"you sure?" he smiled, his eyes were puffy and red.

"Im fine, i just need to get home, and i think maybe you should too, get some sleep" i looked away i couldnt bare to see people so upset.

"I dont mind being with you" he started the car "We can go to my house, watch movies..."

"my friends at home... i dont think i should leave her alone" i smirked hoping he didnt think it was an excuse.

"Fine" he spoke quickly and pulled out of the driveway

I took out my phone and texted Kate.

Me: Would you be kay if i went over a friends for awhile? maybe until 9?

"I just texted her and asked"

"you didnt have to if you didnt want to come over" he fumbled with his fingers "i can take no for an answer"

Kate: Yeah sure, i have company anyway ♥

Company? I thought to myself but let it go once I looked back at Shawn.

"Its not like i dont wanna, its just i didnt wanna leave her alone.... but shes good, i can come over"

~Shawn's House~

It wasnt big, but it was cozy and warm. It was a one bedroom apartment. There wasnt much furniture in the living room but you could tell me spent most of his time in his room.

I sat uncomfortablely on his bed.

"why are you acting so funny?" he laughs at me as he look through his movies.

"how exactly am I suppose to act?" my mood has been down since I've see Annie.

"I dont know but if you want I can pop In some souljia boy"

"god your a major loser if you even have his album. i bet you have chief keef's shit right?" I smirked trying to hold in my laughter

"whatever, I make being a loser cool" he stood in front of me.

"Oh please your alittle to cocky for someone who is ugly"

"im ugly? I think you need to get a closer look" he fell ontop of me pushing my body into the bed he held my hands down over my head.

"still ugly"

"Girl, im the finest thing you will ever meet" he moved closer his lips hovered over mine.

"I dont thi-"

he quickly kisses me before I could finish my answer.

"uhh" I didnt know what to say,  my face turned a bright red.

"you liked it didnt you?" he bites his lips "want me to do it again?"

I nodded my head quickly and he kisses me again, our tongues moved in the same melody...nice and slow. My hands were now wrapped around his neck and shawns hands were around my waist.

He stopped kissing me and kissed on my neck, and played with my belt buckle.

"Shawn" I moaned getting into the moment.

"No" he stopped and sat beside me

"whats wrong?" I questioned, this is the second guy to turn me down.. I mean im willing his he serious, god I feel like a whore, this is the second guy I tried to seduce and no luck.

"I dont wanna do this" he shook his head

"why? am I too disgusting... I know im hard on the eyes-"

"Jae, Stop it, its not that...not that at all. I dont wanna just fuck you and be done, I wanna make love to you.....I dont love you.....yet"

I smiled at his words

"im sorry, I just got out of control, but if your not mad at me can we watch the movie?" he laid back on the bed and held out his arms.

"Okay" I smirked and laid on his chest, he wrapped his arm around me and started the movie.

'I dont love you....yet" kept replaying in my head the whole time.

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