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"mom!" i yelled looking at my self through my closet mirror. The sun dress was tight and my ass looked huge.

"Honey wha-" she stopped looking at me in shock "i knew you had my body." she walked up behind me and fixed the dress and the jean jacket "you look beautiful honey" she slapped my ass.

"i look big" i shook my ass and watching it jiggle in the mirror.

"you have a hourglass figure, people would kill for that"

"i would kill to be a size 4 and not a size 14" i pouted and closed the closet "Can we just go? get this over with"

"your going to kill it" she jumped happily.

She wasn't so devoted into my life like she is now. I had a break down a year ago, tried to take some of my grandmothers pills, commit suicide, Ever since then she's been stuck down my throat.

"you hungry?" she asked me "pancakes on the table"

"i cant eat, my stomach seriously hurts" at that same moment, my stomach started to growl.

My phone vibrated in my hand.

Kate: i hope you have an amazing dayyy this fridayy!! i'll be there at 4. dads dropping me off.

"Kate can still sleepover this weekend, right mom?"

"of course" She unlocked the car doors and we climbed inside.

I quickly typed an answer to her message.

Me: Okay, mom said you can still sleepover and thanks, text you after school.

We drove their listening to music, she gave me a few words of encouragement but once we got too school, everything she said dissappeared.

"Love you,honey" she kissed my cheek "here's your schedule"

"love you too" i got out of the car, nobody stared, that was good. I took my headphones out and stuck them in my ears to drown out the terrible comments soon to come.

The hallway was hectic, people started staring, i couldnt hear a word they were saying so i continued to walk to my first period class. 'Room 243' i thought to myself.

When i walked in i was greeted by a smiling face "your early" she smiled "im Mrs. Sands" she shook my hand firmly. She was a short white woman with gray hair.

"Im Jae Reed" i smiled and took my headphones out, i didnt want to be rude "can i sit anywhere?" i asked her, nobody has arrived yet, but i didnt want to look stupid.

"back seat by the window is all yours" she smiled as people started busting through the door, a group of boys stopped at the door.

"Damn!!" One boy yelled and he pretended he fainted. I was embarrassed and quickly made my way to my seat, they watched as i moved.

'god, this all over again' i thought to myself.

Everyone got settled in their seat, except the one beside me, it was empty. Alittle like my heart.

'Nobody wants to sit next to the f-' my thought was startled by a cackling laugh leaving the mouth from a beautiful girl walking into the class. She was big, and everyone smiled at her as she walked in.

"Hey trisha"

"Hey camelo" she smiled bright making her way to the back, she sat next to me.

"why are you late Trisha?" Mrs. Sand asked with her arms crossed firmly.

Trisha cleared her throat "Not that you would know, but when my man needs me, im there"

the class erupted in laughter.

"Get the notes from Jae" She turned and wrote on the board.

"who?" Trisha asked, not even noticing me yet.

"thicky next to you" Camelo smiled and turned.

i grunted in disgust.

"Girl" she rolled the 'R' as she looked me up and down "you look cute, i love this dress"

"thank you" i smiled, i couldn't help but feel as if she was playing with me "here" i handed her my paper and she began jotting down the notes.

"You just moved here?" she asked

"Yeah, yesterday"

"You live?"

"On chestnut" i answered playing with my nails

She nodded and smiled at me.

I didnt pay attention too class, Trisha kept talking too me. It turns out we have alot more in common then i thought we would. music interest, shows, it was like looking in a mirror.....almost.

"We should really hang out" she clapped

"Ratchet alert" a girl laughed.

"Slut alert" Trisha yelled louder pointing to the girl "gentlemen and ladies if you swing that way, Lisa Crawford is open for business 10 for a blow 30 for a-"

"Trisha!" Mrs. Sand stammered, shocked at her words "Calm down"

I laughed at Trisha, It was hilarious

"you are ratchet" i smiled, feeling comfortable with her.

"i know, but only my bitches can say that" she held out her hand "lemme see ya phone"

i did as she asked and handed it too her, i couldnt see what she was doing, but i was positive she added her number in my phone.

"Call me when your leaving school" she stood "i'll hang out at yours"

"wait my friend kate from where i use to live is coming too"

"i love meeting new people, later bitch" she walked off, soon as she got to the door the bell rang.

I collected my things and tried to move quick.

"Hey Jae" Someone spoke beside me, i turned and it was a light skinned boy, he was very handsome. What did he want with me?


"Since your new, your going to need someone too show you around or you know kick it with you if your ever alone" he moved his hands alot like Drake in his videos.

"look here, my number" he smiled, his teeth shined "text me, im anthony"

His friends sat in the corner watching

"okay, Anthony" I walked away fast.

The rest of the day was surprisingly easy. i kept getting called thick and guys kept acting so surprised when they saw me, i didnt exactly know how to feel, i got 8 guys numbers today.

I guess i was excited to have a new friend who wanted to hang out with me, and just not out of pitty. I called trisha.

It rung 2 times until she answered.

"Hey, i was waiting for you to call"

"oh sorry. just alittle late"

i heard talking in the back round.

A black Bmw pulled in Trisha was inside, and so was a couple of others.

"Come on, get in" she yelled.

I rushed to the car not wanting to turn down this amazing opportunity.

i got in, there were too boys in the back.

"Jae, this is Ray" she pointed to the driver, "and his college buddies, Ron and Ryder, their brothers" she smiled "were hanging out with them, we'll pick up this kate girl"

I didnt say anything,i didnt want to go,  but i couldn't find myself to protest.

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