More then i bargained for

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Jae's P.O.V

Kate had left a little after Blake did, I wanted to spend my day alone but Trisha invited herself over.

"so you guys are together?" Trisha said as she flipped through the channels.

"No... I was at a weak point i-" Trisha cut me off.

"Weak point? weak enough to let him finger you then fuck you? how weak could your point get?" she laughs  "I bet his point wasn't weak"

"h-how do you know all of that!!" I covered my face in embarrassment for the 100th time today "did Blake tell you?"

"No, Kate texted me all about it when you told her"

"Who just texts people about other peoples sex life?" I grunted "anyway, I just don't want him to think its going to be easy getting me back, I wanna make him squirm"

"that sounds kind of kinky but I mean he isn't a bad guy.. he just grew up in a shitty life for awhile"

"what do you mean?" I looked at her puzzled.

"Our dad was an abusive asshole, he'd beat us to the point were we'd pass out" she looked down "that's why I'm guessing he's so mean and has a up a wall, never let's anyone else in cause he's scared of getting hurt... your lucky... at least I feel that way your lucky he let you in... he's so distant from me, we use to be best friends but I know he can't stand me, I know he hates me" she began crying, loud and hard, I could tell by the sudden change of subject this was no longer about me.

Trisha broke down.

"Trisha... please don't cry" I tried to take her in my arms but she pushed me away.

"No!" she jumped up "fuck you jae! your sitting here playing my brother! he won't even fucking talk to me!"

I was at a lost for words, I just looked down at the floor, I knew she was angry but everything she was saying was true, I have never really seen Blake really talk to her, sit her down and just talk.

"Your sitting there judging me! just like every fucking one else you think your so perfect don't you jae..." Trisha cried harder "y-you are... y-you are perfect... your mom doesn't call you a slut or a whore she loves you your the image for a perfect daughter.."

I looked up at Trisha, and was taken back, I didn't notice how much skinner she looked. Her pants hung on her waist, she looked run down.

"Trisha, please calm down" I got out of bed and slowly went over towards her.

"N-no no!' she screamed and ran out of my house.

"Shit..." I grabbed a pair of slippers and my robe and headed out after her.

"Trisha come on come back inside its starting to rain"

"No, I need to go" she got into her car and sped off.

I didn't know why I did it, or how I got in my car so fast but I was following 3 cars behind Trisha, she wasn't heading home... she was heading out of town, I took my phone out and texted Blake;

heading out of town pass  midline, abandoned house, Trisha!

I was driving too fast to even complete my text.

4 hours later

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