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We finally made it to the new apartment complex. It was a brick building not to much to it. There were a couple of people outside, staring hard. The moving men took the stuff upstairs as me and my mom followed up behind them.

Apartment 2R.

Inside was way better then the outside, it looked like the floor just been fixed up and you can tell the window's glass was new.

"They really fixed the place up" my mom, Laura, beamed "There's three rooms, now im able to have an office" she clapped excitedly.

"Yeah" i wasn't paying her no mind, i was paying more attention to the boys outside that were gawking at the women that passed.

"Jae!" Laura yelled finally redirecting my attention to her "do you like it?"

"Yes, love it" i smiled at her, i really did love it. It wasn't as big as our other house, but since dad left and we had to downgrade because mama wasn't able too pay the rent. I liked it though, it was cozy.

"im glad you do" she was smiling wildly "I hope you feel that way about school"

"i don't think i will" she sighed stress fully "im seriously nervous"

a text flashed across my screen.

Kate: How's the new home? oh ! any cute boys in the complex? i need me a sugar daddy.

It was strange, but it's like she sensed i was upset from so far away.

Me: its nice, and i haven't seen any and im not looking.

"mom, when am i starting class anyway?" i asked her worried.

"tomorrow, i signed you up earlier this week" she looked me up and down "we should get you a new outfit, one that shows your cruves"

"my curves are what caused me to get teased back home, i don't want the same trouble here"

"come on, summer is about to end, you can wear a nice sun dress and a short sleeved jean jacket" she smiled at me, i could tell she was already picturing me with it on.

She loved dressing me up as a kid, but once i started adding on pounds i stopped letting her because i became incredibly self conscious and all i wore was baggy clothes, anything that didn't hug my curves.

I could let her choose my outfit right? just this once, what could possibly go wrong.


she jumped in excitement.

"the moving guys should be done" she looked out the window to see the truck was empty "there just bringing up the t.v's now"

I nodded and waited.

20 minutes later my mom paid the movers and we headed out.

"Forever 21 here we come!" she yelled.


"i dont like this" she held up a blue and black sundress up to my neck.

"hey! im picking shut your mouth" she laughed

"how about this red one?" she asked

It wasnt as bad as the other ones, and red was my favorite color.

"that one is fine" i smiled.

She already picked out the jean jacket and my bookbag.

"shouldnt i try it on?"

We were already in line to pay.

"i know this will fit you perfectly"

i grunted and walked away as she paid, and looked at some of there underwear pretty and laced. All i wore was boy shorts.

"want a pair?" my mom asks as she walks up behind me

"No," i answered fast

"Well then" she walked off in front of me.

*buzz, buzz*

"Hey kate" i answered happy

"hows everything?" she asked brightly

"nothing leaving the mall"

"gasp, what did you buy, new sweaters?" she laughed.

"No, a sundress and a short sleeved jean jacket" i shot back.

"for your mom?"

"no, its mine"

There was a silence, until she screamed excitedly into the phone "my best friend is growing up, god! i cant wait to see you tomorrow"

"yeah" my attention was else where, a four boys passed by and they were all cute. They werent paying me any attention. They were looking at my mom, gawking at her.

"hey sexy" one yelled, he had an afro and a pick in his hair.

She waved them off not paying any attention.

"Kate. text me, i got to go" i hung up quickly, finally catching up to my mom.

"did you hear what that boy said?" i asked her.

"Yeah, just let it roll off" she continued to walk off.


"im going to bed" i called out as i finished the dishes from dinner "night"

I laid in bed watching T.V until i fell

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