Always Shiri

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Sitting in Blake's car i couldn't help but imagine me being in a music video, the pretty girl, that everyone is jealous of. She drives around town with her sexy new boyfriend and everything in her life is perfect, no problems, no worries.

"You still pissed at me?" Blake asked interrupting my thoughts.

"Yes" i spoke quickly "you can just me home"

"your not going home" he laughed devilishly and turned into a vacant parking lot.

"Where's Trisha?" i asked him feeling really uncomfortable.

"she's out with her boyfriend" He sighed heavily and turned to me.

"for someone so beautiful, your really shy" he smiled at me

"im not beautiful... at least i dont think so" I choked on my words, i looked at him alittle surprised.

"why dont ya think so? let me guess your doing this fishing for compliments shit?" he laughed.

"No!" i yelled "You ass!"

He was shocked by my sudden out burst, his face became a bright unflattering red.

"I don't think im beautiful, because im fat, im  not a size 2 i dont have a perfect... anything!" everything i was holding in just came out, i cried hysterically. "i have been made fun of, beat up, called names just because i didnt fucking look like everyone else" i tried wiping away my tears but their wasn't no stopping it. "im leaving" i reached for the handle to get out but Blake stopped me and drew me in to his arms.

"i dont know what your going through... i cant say the shit is going to get better, all i can do is be here for ya" he hugged me tighter "i can say you are pretty damn bad in my eyes"

I chuckled lightly, smiling against his chest.

"another thing, stop tryna run from your problems, take them face on... it might not all come out the way you want but at least your ass tried"

I pulled away from his grasp and smiled at him, the color flushed out of my face as i realized how close we were.

Blake cupped my cheek with his hand then moved his hand slowly down the nape of my neck and pulled me in for a kiss but was interrupted when a sudden voice began screaming and laughing.

"Oh my gosh hunter stop" I heard a familiar voice yell.

Blake turned to see Shiri wrapped up in Hunter's arm as he kissed her cheek and were wrapped in each others arms. He dropped his hand and fixed his self in his seat and started the engine.

I looked at her and she was smiling at me, she knew exactly what she was doing.

"Stupid bitch" she mouthed to me and walked away.

'Stop the car so i can bust that bitches head against the concrete!' i thought to myself, I almost had the guts to actually say it but it was clear that Blake wanted her back, and didnt want anyone else.

"Imma take you home okay?" He gripped the steering wheel as he drove fast and turned corners fast.

Could of told him to slow down but at this point, i wouldnt care if he drove full on into a brick wall. what did i have to live for? except more disappointment.


"he almost kissed you!" Kate yelled on the phone, i could hear her feet thumping against the floor.

"Then he saw Shiri and got pissed, took me straight home" i laid on my bed fumbling with my hair.

"I never liked that bitch"

"last thing i remember was you telling me that she was an amazing and funny person" I laughed

"Oh shutup" she quickly changes the subject "what do you think of Ron?" she asked me "he's boyfriend material?"

"I mean he's something" i laughed

"he's so cute" Kate replied in a baby voice.

I was about to answer until their was a light tapping on my window.

"hold up" I said as i moved to the window, flinging the curtain away, Blake was on the fire escape.

"i'll call you back" i hung up

Blake was out of breathe as he climbed inside."im sorry" he heaved "I couldn't stay there, Hunter is my cousin..he lives with us, well he's stayin with us until his mom gets back next week anyway, Shiri was there and you know..." he looked around my room smiling at the photos of the celebrities on the wall.

I dont know what he wanted from me? to stay here? ever since i moved here it's been all about Trisha and Blake.

"You can stay here" i closed the window behind him "sleep on my couch"

He smiled at me and moved closer, grabbing me by my waist and pulling me against him....and his friend.

"Since im here.. we should have some fun" he planted soft kisses on my neck.

"Blake" I whispered something inside me wanted him to keep going.

"You like that dont you" Blake smiled against my neck and stuck his hand down my pajama pants rubbing the outside of my underwear "your a naughty girl"

I pushed him away and moved over to my bed.

"You already want it" he laughed and unbuckled his pants " i thought we could play alittle but im ga-"

he was interrupted by a pillow flinging into his face and a cover coming shortly after that.

"Night Blake"

I got comfortable in bed and turned the light off.

Authors note:  guys like this chapter? Please comment and vote and let me know, i would really appreciate it :) and thanks for all the support, reads and votes. Oh how are you guys liking the new book cover?

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