Man Down

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I covered my face quickly, I couldn't be more embarrassed.

"MA! what the fuck you don't knock!" he laid all his weight on me covering up my body.

"I told you about having these fast ass girls in my house!!" she yelled back, her voice echoed through the room and sending shivers down my spine "and don't you fucking yell at me! I told you one more slip up and your ass is going to military school!"

"can you go?" he answered back not affected by his mothers out burst.

"who is it?!" she yelled louder "is it shiri? you know I don't fucking like her!" she moved towards the bed but blake got in her way.

"yes mom its shiri!" he said back just as loud getting up off of me "She'll be gone"

"What the fuck has gotten into you!" she screamed pulling at her hair "you and your dumbass sisters are going to be the reason I die" she grunted and walked out the door, slamming it shut.

"why did you say I was Shiri?" I sat up quickly, as I felt my anger or jealousy build up....hell both.

"look, I didn't want her to meet you this way, ight?" he stood by the door as he wrapped a towel around his waist. "I rather her think it was get it? so when I bring you home she'll know I brought home a good one this time, not the girl who was busting it open just now" he laughed hard

"shutup!" I through a pillow at him and giggled as I finally began getting dressed. "are you..uh okay?" I stammered a little on my words.

"what do you mean?"

"she said you were going to be the death of her... don't.. feel bad" I wasn't really good at being a conversationalist when it came to blake, my stomach still twisted and turned every time he was around.

"she says that a lot... doesn't even bother me anymore" he sighed a little and looked around awkwardly.

"where's Trisha?" I asked trying to break the awkward silence.

"her cousins house for the weekend" Blake picked up my shirt and helped me put it on.

"well I should probably head home" I slipped on my uggs and pecked his lips softly.

"do you want me to drive you?"

there was a loud banging and crashing in the room next to his.

"no, maybe you should handle that....I'm going to slip out while she's on a rampage" I smiled at him and walked out the door quickly.


once I walked inside bailey, my mom and her dad were layed up on the couch watching a movie, they didn't even turn once I walked in the door.

"hey mom" I smiled waiting for her to turn

"hey Jae" she said blankly as she played in baileys hair. "stop tickling me bailey!!" She began laughing loud and hard, I haven't seen her so happy. I restrained my tears and walked up into my room, closing it quickly.

"oh stop tickling me bailey" I mocked my mom as I pranced around the room. "fuck that stupid bitch" I spoke to myself as I began getting ready for my shower "let's all forget that her mom's the reason you too got divorced in the first place shi-" I stopped myself as I realized I began talking to myself.

I locked my door so I was reassured nobody would walk in. I could still hear my mom laughing, now bailey and dad joined in.

"I always knew I was the one bringing her misery...." I stood there looking in the mirror, I felt like I looked 100 pounds bigger. "everything is my fault... my mom trying to shield me from my fathers hurtful words.... is what probably broke them apart... all the nights she cried after dad left, she stopped talking to me even then... coming home less and less, its not baileys fault.... its mine"

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