The Spot

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Once we got outside of my house, Kate was already outside with my mom setting out flowers.

"Damn. that's your mom?" Ray rolled down the window to get a better look.

I climbed out of the car and Trisha followed behind me.

"Hey, im Trisha" she smiled and shook my moms hand "you are beautiful mrs."

"Its laura, and thank you"

"Can i go hang with Trisha and her friends?" I was hoping she would say no, i wanted to hang out with them, just i didn't want to ruin the friendship's i made, and knowing me that wont take

e too long.

"sure honey" she smiled bright "go put your bags upstairs"

"Be right back Trisha" I grabbed Kate's hand and pulled her inside with me.

"Who the hell were those boys in the car?" Kate asked, you could tell she was more then excited "are they single?"

"Stop being so damn horny" i flung my bag on to the couch "i dont want to hang out with them" i admitted

"why, Trisha seems nice"

"im just going to ruin it and i strangely had an amazing day" i sighed "i dont want to use all of my luck."

Kate began laughing at my words, did i really sound that stupid?

"Were going and your going to have fun" she jumped excitedly and pushed me out the door.

"See you later mom" i called as i was being pushed in to the car.

"Bye Laura" Trisha and Kate called at the same time as the car pulled off.

"Im Ryder" He smiled and looked kate over "Thats Ron and Ray" he continued introducing them.

"Nice to meet you" she shined her pearly whites.

I hated going places with Kate, guys are always glued to her. I guess maybe i was alittle jealous.

"Where are we going anyway trish?" Kate questioned as she looked at the scenery pass by.

"Its an abandoned house down by the lake" she put on lip stick "My brother and his friends hangout there and im usually there 24/7"

"Basically what she's saying is she's always getting fucked by one of her brothers friends in the house, thats why she's always there" Ron laughed and the car erupted with laughter, except me.

"Oh, whatever, and why are you going? to take in the scenery? bitch no, your trying to fuck" Trisha shot back

"Yeah and i got my first victim, right here" he held onto kate and she blushed hard and laughed.

"Gross" i whispered

"oh dont worry you'll get your chance too" he tugged on my hair.

"thats even worse"

We finally made it to the abandoned house, and as soon as the car stopped i got out.

"let me show you around" Trisha moved quickly passed Kate and grabbed on to my arm.

"Im home!" She yelled as we walked inside, There were 9 people in the living room.

"Who's your friend?" a boy asked.

"Trisha i told you too stop bring your slu-" he stopped once he turned and looked at me "hi.." he smiled.

"She's fine isnt she" Trisha slapped my ass, hard.

"hi..." i spat out, i was nervous and you could hear it. You haven't seen such an amazing looking guy until you've seen Trishas brother. He had perfect caramel skin and the build of Channing Tatum, He had a tattoo across his arm that read Rest in peace forever Sherlin. As he moved closer you could see he had gray eyes. He might call you a slut, its worth it.

Kate, Ron and Ryder finally came inside. Ron and Ryder fell onto the floor watching T.V as if they were right at home, Kate and I were the odd balls.

"What's your name" Trisha's brother smiled brightly.

"Me, im Kate"

"No, not you...her" he gestured to me with his eyes.

"Shot down!" a boy yelled.

"its okay ma" another boy said "come sit with daddy."

She grunted, then sat down on the floor next too Ron.

"Im Jae" I answered, not making eye contact, i have never felt so insecure, i crossed my arms over my stomach, trying to hide, if only that worked.

"im blake" he didnt stop making eye contact until a girl walked in from the back.

"Babe" She yelled and clenched on to his arm "im finished" she fixed her dress.

"You must be one of Trisha's little friends" she smiles "Im Shiri"

"im jae"

She smiled then turned away.

"I dont like that bitch" Trisha said loud.

"I heard that"

"and bitch you were suppose to" she spat 'bitch' out hard.

After that Blake introduced Kate and I too everyone, but my mind was stuck on Blake.

Authors note: im not sure if people are reading this, but im not sure if Jae should be with Blake or maybe another boy. still trying to work things out. Comment what you think and Vote :)

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