Finally mine

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♡♡.Jae's P.O.V.♡♡

I was supposed to be going to Blake's cousin's house in an hour. I was sweaty and gross from the run so I told him to meet me back here so I could at least take a shower and throw on some new clothes.

"my little girl is meeting her boyfriends family" my mom clapped excitedly.

"its just his cousin..." I shook her off,  I was already a nervous wreck as it is I dont even know why I agreed to this.

"im picking out your outfit" she was already in my closet looking through a bunch of dresses I refused to wear before, but now, I feel alittle more confident in myself, maybe i can pull off a dress.

"fine" I brushed out my hair and waited for her to bring out what she wanted me to wear.

"this" she smiled and pulled out a short red strapless cocktail dress with a black belt around the waist "remember I made you wear this to graduation"

"yeah and I cried all the way there and back" I faked a laugh and took it from her and began getting dressed.

"it wasnt that bad" she smirks "now hurry up so mommy can zip you up"

I pulled up the dress over my curved body and moved over so my mom could zip it up.

"you sure you dont want me to curl your hair?" she smiles as she zips up my dress.

"im fine" I grunt and put on my black flats and a cardigan over the dress "I dont even know if its this type of get together"

I heard the front door open as I finally finished getting dressed.

"mom, someones coming" I whispered

mom laughed and my dad walked in to the room with chinese food.

"where are you going?" dad asked his eye brows were raised "need to cover up them legs"

There was a beep outside,  I knew it was Blake.

"Honey stop she's goi-"

"honey?" I cut her off "please dont tell me your back with this sad ass excuse for a man"

"watch your damn mouth before I make you stay home!" he barked back

"make me? you have to be abosolutely joking you di-"

"jae...your dad and I worked things out were back together" she kissed his cheek lightly.

"you know what... " I grabbed my phone "good bye" I pushed passed them and headed down stairs.

"Get back here!" dad yelled stomping down the stairs but I was already out the front door and in Blake's car.

"you look amazing Ma" he smiles and stares me up and down.

"can you drive? I need to get"

"is something wrong?" he began driving down the road.

"just parents" I smiled lightly "and thanks.... im glad you like it"

"my cousin is going to be just have a couple of people he knows from college"

"okay...." I began shaking lightly... I was nervous I regret this "turn around"

he shot me a look of surprise "why?"

"I cant do this... im a nervous wreck... im not good with socializing"

"well im not turning around because you'll be fine they'll love you as much as..." he coughs "theyll just love you aight?"

I shook my head in agreement,  the one minute I look like a fool im leaving.

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