she's done

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Blake got us home around 8. it looks like my luck hasn't ran out, my mom wasn't home so i had time to try to sober up Kate.

Once we got inside i plopped Kate down on the couch.

"im hungry" kate burped abruptly, she tried to get up but stumbled over "Im so nauseous."

"Thats what you get for drinking" i taunted as i made her something to drink to calm down her stomach.

"What are-" She burped "you doing?"

I didnt answer i just handed her the cup "drink it" i wasn't in the best mood, I still had the picture of Blake and I kissing in my head, I couldnt stop imagining it and everytime, more clothes were taken off..The thought disgusted me.

She did as i said and drank it.

"that feels so much better" she sighs relieved "how'd you know it'd work?"

"You learn a few tricks when your aunt is a bartender and a heavy drinker" i laughed.

"Im going to head to bed, okay?" she smiled weakily "my head is pounding" She ran up the stairs.

I stayed on the couch watching 'Awkward' Which was my favorite show. Jenna had the perfect life hot boys constantly fighting over her.

"Lucky bitch" I spoke to myself then a text flashed across my screen.

Trisha: Why'd you leave so early?

Me: Kate was acting stupid

Trisha: I thought it was because of Shiri

Me: Nah but wyd ?

Trisha: Driving around with Blake... You wanna come? got bottles

Me: I cant ma got me on lock down.

Of course I lied but the last thing I wanna do is drive around with them, I probably had enough of them for a life time. I don't think i'll be going anywhere with them....again.

I couldn't finish the episode of Awkward because I ended up falling asleep on the couch.

~Next Morning~

"JAE!" Kate yelled in to my ear, I was so scared I ended up falling off the couch to the floor.

"What the fuck" I groaned and when I looked up Trisha, Blake, and Shiri were standing around me "What are you doing here?"

"were going to go swimming, this is the last hot day thought we'd do something" Shiri answered her hands hooked with Blakes.

"Kate, upstairs" I ran up hearing her footstep's behind them.

"Do we really have to go" I asked as I entered my room, shedding the clothes I had on before.

"Yes, its better then sitting around all day" Kate was already dressed, bathing suit and all.

"I don't want to hang out with them, all they do is smoke and drink" I complained but Katie had a huge smile on her face you could tell she was excited and really wanted to go.

"Come on, Jae just this once and then we'll never hang out with them again" she begged.

"I know your trying to get with that boy" I laughed as i try searching for my bathing suit.

"which one are you looking for?" she asks

"The full body" I finally found it in my underwear draw, it was a baby blue and it almost looked like a leotard, it just wasn't as tight, i made sure it was lose so it wouldnt hug any unwanted fat.

"you mind?" i asked as i unbottoned my bra

"no problem, and Jae try not to be so harsh these people really like you...i dont know about Shiri but Trisha she does" and with that Kate left.

I wonder what she meant, i mean Trisha seemed pretty cool at school, like she had everything down and all the friends she could have i personally think Kate said that so i'll think about hanging out with them some more, god all that girl cares about is herself.

I finally got all my clothes off and i was putting sunscreen on my naked body when i heard footsteps.

'its just Kate' i thought to myself as the footsteps got closer.

The door opened slowly and -

"Blake!" i yelled as i fumbled to reach for my cover

"im so not sorry" he laughs staring "did you know you have a birthmark on your back?"

"Out!" i yelled as i finally covered myself "what-what are you doing in here!"

"I was looking for the bathroom, looks like i found something way better" He laughs and leans against the door frame.

"Dont get comfortable, get out" I screamed again.

"Fine, fine" he turns away "you couldnt handle this big dick anyway" he walked out the door. Once i knew he was gone i ran to close the door.

"fucking creep" i said to myself as i finally pulled on the bathing suit.

Once i was ready to go everyone was in the car, my mom had a massive hang over so i just left her a note.

"last day of summer!" Shiri yelled as we drove off.

"Last day of summer?" i questioned

"Last day of this fine ass weather i mean, it suppose to start getting cold" she answered.

I just nodded and watched as the buildings passed by.

25 minutes later we were already at the spot.

Soon as the car stopped Kate and Shiri went running in to the water.

"They are a bunch of kids" Trisha laughed as we made our way out of the car.

"yeah" I spoke as i saw how many people were actually their, I felt uncomfortable as I zipped up my sweater.

"You okay Jae?" Trisha asks, she must of saw how my mood suddenly changed "please dont tell me your intimidated by all these bitches?" she laughs.

"Trust me, Jae has nothing to worry about" Blake laughed as he ran off

"what was that about?" Trisha asks

"nothing" i spoke fast and ran off to the water.

I slipped off my sweater but i kept on the basketball shorts and got in the water, i swam around as everyone else laughed and played around.

I was actually enjoying myself until i heard screaming.

"kate" i thought and i rushed out of the water to see what the commotion was.

Their was a huge group formed by the cars, and i had to push and shove to see what was going on.

"What fuck were you doing with her Hunter" Blake's voice roared, Hunter was on the floor face covered in blood.

"Stop it!" Shiri yelled as she tried to cover Hunter.

"You fucking cheated on me with him!" he yells and kicks Hunter in the ribs "Everyone leave!"

Scared to protest everyone started leaving

"You are... a whore!" Blake's voice cracked, you could hear he was upset, hear he was about to cry.

"Blake, please" she cried, pleading with him

"shut up" Blake jumped to her and she screamed, it sounded like Kate, but kate wasn't anywhere to be found.

"Leave Shiri, this is over" he screamed at her, she was crying hysterically, she knew it was over, she ran the other way.

Blake turned and bumped into me, i was so shocked i didnt even move.

I didnt know what else to do, when i cried all i wanted was a hug, i held my arms out to him. He stared at me awhile and i thought he would push me away, instead he fell into my arm's and cried.

Authors note: comment and vote :) i really wanna know what you guys think. If you like it or was it a disappointment.

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