College tours and love endings

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I convinced my mom too let me go looking at colleges with Big T, her sister and her brother.

"when do you think your going to get back home?" my mom questioned as i walked into the kitchen.

"i dont know, shouldnt be long right?' i sat at the kitchen table. "New york isnt too far..."

"i know but your going to be going with Trudy and her brother and dont know what they have planned to do" my mom laughs alittle. "i mean you do hang out with Trisha that girl is farout"

i laughed and pulled out my phone sending a text to Blake.

Me: Babe, im going to be gone with Big T and her brother and sister out to new york to look at colleges.

"Well, you know keep me posted okay? i love you and i put 30 in your jacket pocket" my mom kissed me goodbye and headed out the door.

My phone buzzed and i checked the text.

Blake: Alright ma be save and i love you and her brother? why he got to go?

Me: Ohh shh you have abosolutely nothing to worry about..ill see you when i get back

I laughed at his text and grabbed my jacket and phone heading outside to the porch.

I black honda pulled up shortly after i walked out onto the porch.

"Hey! Jae!" Big T screamed out the window as they came to a stop in front of my house.

I waved and smiled at her, i never seen Big T be so out there before and i loved the fact that she trusted me to be herself with,

I climbed into the car.

"Hey" i smiled at her brother and sister as i walked in.

"Im Megan" She reached back to shake my hand "and this is Dane"

"nice to meet you both" I tried smiled at both of them.

"Trudy are we going to be looking at your brothers dumbass college or mine?"

"I guess his first, i do like the fact that NYU is diverse if i want to change my major, what do you think Jae?"

"I like that idea b- Trudy" I looked over at her, it totally slipped my mind that she didnt like to be called Big T. It was going to take a lot for me to start calling her Trudy.

She didnt notice i called her Trudy or noticed that i even answered she was too busy with her nose stuck in her phone.

"who are you texting?" i whispered


"Phone nick? the one from the other day nick?"

"Yeah, he just got accepted into NYU"

"Thats why you want to go to NYU?" i jumped excitedly trying to keep my voice down. "Dont you think thats going to look alittle weird that your going to the same college?"

"Thats why i told him i already got accepted... you and i both"

I shook my head and laughed alittle.

Blake's P.O.V

I stopped by my friend Bryans house, he always was able to give me alittle something to sell. I was able to make maybe 1,000 a week if he lets me keep profit.

"Im sorry B, i dont have anymore, i already gave my boys there month supply" he passed me the blunt but i denied his offer.

"Come on, you know i can double your profit"

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