Caught and money problems...

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I woke up early and decided to clean up the mess that was left down stairs. Pizza boxes, soda cans, ashes and shoes everywhere.

Big T was laid out on the couch and Nick was on the floor on his phone, just like he was last night.

"you ever put that down?" I asked as I began gathering the shoes.

"No... there's nothing else that catches my attention"

"you put it down when you were talking to big T last night" I smiled "she catch your attention? "

"she was talking to me that'd be rude to not look at her"

"im talking to you, and your not looking at me" i smirked at him.

"shut the fuck up jae" he got up and stomped into the kitchen, I laughed and continued cleaning.

I had there shoes gathered nicely next to the door and the pizza boxes and soda cans out in the front of the house because I was sure today was recycling day.

I was finished in about an hour and nobody was awake except for Nick.

"has trisha come down here?" I asked nick.

"No..." he shuffles alittle "nobody really has... I dont think... I dont know"

"your alot of fucking help" I groaned and tried to quietly move my way upstairs so Trisha,rufus and Brian wouldnt hear me.

"stop it" I heard trisha giggle.

I wanted a few minutes to bust in.

"no you cant have a kiss" I heard Trisha snicker "okay alittle kiss"

this was my perfect chance to bust in the room.

"YOU NASTY SLU-" I busted the door open, thinking I was going to open the door and see Brian and rufus in bed with trisha, but it was just Brian.

"no you were not about to call me a nasty slut!" trisha barked "you got a bitch fucked up, I do-"

"shut the hell up" I cut her off. "where's rufus?"

"im in the bathroom" I heard him yell "I slept in the damn tub"

"you had him sleep in the tub so you guys could fuck? your the one who wanted him to come up here with you, he could of slept on the couch"

"it didnt exactly turn out that way, we were watching movies and then brian started licking behind my ear and girl..... that is my sweet spot so rufus had to go"

I shook my head.

"dont shake your damn head at me, in your room screaming my brothers name and shaking the head board, instead of shaking your head you should go clean those sheet" Trisha stuck out her tongue at me.

I flipped her off and walked out, my phone buzzed and i was hoping it was Kate... but it was Big T, i ignored her call. ill see her once i make my way downstairs, but I wasn't sure what else to do, I cleaned and checked on everyone, i could just go lay down with Blake.

"baby are you up?" i whispered into the room as i entered, and of course like i expected Blake's motionless body laid out across the bed, the blankets on the floor and his naked body exposed, i still stop and stare alittle taken back by the way he looks, just to think that his body was wrapped around me last night, i smiled and sat on the edge of the bed.

"is this what you wanna do now?" i heard a familiar voice speak from the door. "i just came over to give your mom the child support and this is what i see"

i turned to see my dad sitting in the door way, i was speechless, i havent seen him since Blake and I broke up and he was there to comfort me.

"what are you doing here, isnt it raining right now?!" i yelled hoping to get Blake up and the attention of the three characters in the room next to mine.

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