James Koplan

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Korryn turned around and quickly wiped her tears. She saw a man standing there with Mr. Paull, and he looked pretty young. To be honest, he looked like a man Korryn would date. He looked to be about 35 years old but Korryn knew he was older because my mom was 45 so Korryn knew she wouldn't date a younger guy....well at least she thought she knew that.....with all that's been going on...who knows what's the truth anymore. He stood at about 6'6" and he looked to be about 250lbs. Korryn couldn't lie...mom picked a good one. And on top of that, he's rich....but that doesn't matter because all that matters is love in a relationship. Momma always taught Korryn that....Lord...Korryn missed her mama..."Hello Korryn..."he said once again a little louder to get her attention. "Hello Stranger..." Korryn said playfully but with a stern tone in her voice. "I'm James...and I've been waiting to meet you for a long time...I have been looking forward to this day since you were born. It's amazing to finally meet my daughter." He continued to blab but Korryn didn't hear anything after that statement. She was too in shock that she met her biological father. Suddenly Korryn stopped him from talking and said looking up at him, "Why didn't you ever come and find me before then? If you really wanted to meet meet me like you say you did, why didn't you ever try to reach out to me before now?" He couldn't say anything...he was looking at her in such disbelief. He stood there for a few minutes before finding the courage to say something..."Lord you're just like your mother....too bad she's gone...I loved her...she was and still will always be the love of my life...but to answer your..." James tried to explain but was stopped by Korryn because she could not believe what he just said...."You will not disrespect my father that way...you knew she loved him before you had sex with her and got her pregnant.....you knew that she wasn't in love with you! You knew she loved my father but you decided to take advantage of her vulnerability and take that as a free ticket to her vagina...and.."Korryn said flying off the handle. "Woah...Woah...Woah...you will not talk to me that way. I am still your father..I don't care if I was there the whole time or not...you will not disrespect me in this way" James said with a stern tone in his voice. "Well sperm donor.....I am not 5 years old anymore so you will not speak down to me in this manner. I do not have to take any of this bull from you. You are nothing to me...and never will be! And disrespect my father again and you'll wish you never met me." Korryn said with the most meaningful look on her face...."You know what...for you to be standing in my house and talking to me the way you are, you'd think you live here...better yet you'd think you paid the bills up in here. BUT YOU DON'T! SO YOU WILL NOT SPEAK TO ME EVER THIS WAY AGAIN!!!! DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME?" James exclaimed stepping closer and getting into Korryn's face. Korryn gave him a look so hateful that she could've slapped him in the face for the look she gave. She was finally meeting her biological father and this is how it turned out?! Really? It turned into a big ass mess and she was tired of it. "You know what...there was a reason I never knew you.....there was a reason my mom didn't tell me about you.....she knew we'd never get along.....she knew that my true father's name is Korey John Bynum....she knew everything...and to think I was mad at her.....Let me tell you something James Koplan...I don't care who you are....YOU ARE NOTHING TO ME! You are just what I said you were earlier....my sperm donor....I'm nothing like you! I am Korey and Jane Bynum's child and there's nothing you can do to change that! I've never had so much hatred for a person in my entire life....HAVE A GOOD LIFE!" Korryn said walking down the hall and out the door...They didn't even get to sit down and talk about anything that really mattered.....They just stood in the hallway and argued...."Oh and if you come to my mother's funeral, you're gonna force me to do something that I don't wanna do!" Korryn said running back in the house to tell James. She ran back out the house leaving Paull, James, and the maid just standing there in awe and shock. Korryn pulled out of his luxurious house and drove back to Baton Rouge.


"WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN KORRYN JANE BYNUM?" Korey started grillin' her soon as she walked through the door. It doesn't take almost 3 hours to get from the hospital to here. She couldn't argue because they literally lived 15 minutes away from the hospital. "I was letting go of some regrets dad." Korryn began as tears started streaming down her face. "Baby I know it's gonna be hard.." Korey began and Korryn stopped him right there. "No dad, I went to go see James.." Korryn said sobbing into her dad's chest. "James....James Koplan?" Korey said in disbelief. "Yeah dad...I'm so sorry dad. You are my father no matter what any DNA test says." Korryn said as Korey pulled away from her. He was hurt and at that moment wanted nothing to do with her. He felt that he had been more than enough of a father to her and now she wanted to go and try and find her real one. He started to cry because he always felt he was her real father and for her to find out about this information and go find her biological father hurt him so much. As he pulled away, Korryn felt nothing but despair. She felt so bad for doing that to him....He showed so much hurt on his face that she couldn't bare to look at it. She ran off to her room and found her sister laying there with an empty pill bottle in her hand and her knocked out on the bed. "DAD CALL 911!".....

Hey y'all this is a short bonus chapter for the week...I am still updating Friday so have your notifications on...Love Peace and Happiness


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