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I was having the time of my life. I was finally fucking with the guy that I always wanted to fuck with. He pleases me in more ways than one and when I said I loved him, that wasn't just in a moment of ecstasy....I been wanting to tell him that. Just as we were about to get up and go for round 2 in the room, there was a knock at the door.

"Baby no.....don't go answer it!" I said, giving him puppy dog eyes.

"Kase, you know I got to. Suppose that's work baby....cmon. Don't be like still gon get yours." He said as he smacked my ass.

"Ok..." I said and I gave a sexy smile and walked to the door with him.

"Baby go to the room. I don't know who this is and if they act stupid, I'm divin in dey shit!" He said.

"Nah bae. I'm staying right here with you." I said, kissing his neck....which was obviously his spot...

"Ok...but stand behind me..." he said, as he took his gun out of the back of his pocket and put it in his left hand and hid it behind his left leg.

There was a knock again.

"Who is it?" He said.

No answer.

He tried to check the peep hole but it was pitch black. He tried to look out of the two side windows but the plants covered them. He cocked his gun and opened the door and aimed it at the person who was on the other side of it.

"Oh my God.....KORRYN???" I said.

He put the gun down and put it back up. He moved aside and let her in.

"Nah. Why are you letting her in? I didn't say I wanted her here." I said.

"Man that's your sister...if you don't back up and let her in." He said, in a firm voice.


I couldn't believe Kasey was acting this way with me. Like she knew all of what Rodrick had done to our family and what all was going on with him and my biological dad and she wanted him....but it's her life.

"Well hello to you too Kasey!" I said, pushing past them and going sit down.

"Korryn, don't start with me. Can you get this over with so I can go make love to my man?" She said.

He started coughing as if he was choking and she started patting his back checking to see if he was ok.

"See. That nigga know that he ain't yo man. Coughing like he was tryna tell you something but you'll never see it....." I said, slightly chuckling at his coughing.

"Korryn if you don't get to the point of why you're here and how you know where I was, you can just leave....NOW!" She said.

I couldn't believe all the TRUE hate she had in her eyes for me. All I ever did was care and love this girl. I can't believe she's doing this right now....

"I came here because Rodrick's ex-girlfriend told me you were here. She used to be Quiante's ex girlfriend and she knew she knew you and she told me where you were. She told me he ate you out in front of her and she had real hurt in her voice, not that I cared about her hurting, but I do care about you. You letting thugs just have you now? That's the level you on?" I asked her, now standing up and stepping towards her.

"Man look....Kasey and I got a lil thing going....I apologized to you and yo ol' man but you ain't wanna accept it ma. I told you I've changed but yo ass don't believe me. I'm gonna treat Kasey right. You ain't even gotta worry bout that....she is gon' have that baby and I will take care of her and it as my own." He said, kissing Kasey.

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