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I grabbed her by the waist and pulled her to me and tongued her down. I felt her trying to pull away so I went deeper. She finally accepted that I wasn't letting her go and that she might as well kiss me back. She started kissing me back and grabbing all over my body. We stood there like this for at least 2 minutes. After the two minutes I picked her up and that shit hurt but I didn't even care. I carried her back to the bed and sat down. She was now straddling my lap and we were just enjoying each other when finally I pulled away and just looked in her eyes. She had to come back from her lustful thoughts and then she finally just looked back into my eyes. I laid down and laid her on top of me. We just laid there with her head on my chest. I was caressing her face and hair while she just listened to my heart beat. After a while, I realized our heart beats were in tune with each other's. We literally breathed each other in until I broke the silence.

"Baby...." I said.

"Yes Honey?" She said, still listening to my heart beat.

"You know I love you right?" I said.

"Yes Quiante and I love you too. That's already known." She said.

"You know I was just being stupid and foolish also though right?" I said.

She leaned up and kissed my lips. She hovered over me and said: Yes baby....I know.

"So why did you wanna break up with me?" I said.

She leaned up and was now sitting on the side of the bed.

"Because of the guilt I felt and the hurt I know I caused you." She said, with tears in her eyes.

I grabbed the love of my life and wiped her eyes with my thumbs. I grabbed her face forcing her to look at me. I kissed her soft and beautiful lips and said: Yes I was hurt but it's something we will move past. It hurt me to know that but that doesn't stop me from loving you. I love you with all my heart Korryn Jane Bynum-Williams.I kissed her lips one more time and she laid her head back on my chest and we drifted off to sleep.


I woke up and realized Korryn wasn't there. I got up in a panic and ran to the bathroom and she wasn't there. I can't believe she really left after all that I said and did. I sat back on the bed and sobbed. I NEVER...when I say never....I mean never cried over anything this hard. I couldn't believe she really left me. I finally got myself together and calmed myself down because maybe she just went to the store or something.


I had to get out of there. The guilt was eating me alive. I regret the moment I aborted the child we both made but I put it so far behind me that I honestly forgot about it until Kasey brought it up. I'm not leaving him forever but I needed to clear my head. I called Halle and went over to her mom's house. We both needed to clear our minds since my mom was gone and her mom was about to go. I pulled up to her mom's house, which was beautiful, and just sat there for a minute.

(Halle's Mom's house)

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(Halle's Mom's house)

I thought about calling Quiante but I just couldn't do it. I am going back to the hospital after I leave here so I'll just talk to him then. As I continued to think, I thought about school. I had been gone for almost a month, maybe even more, I lost count. I know I need to go back but with all that's happened, I don't even know if I can. My scholarship is probably going to be gone and it's just.....maybe it's not the time for me to pursue my dream of being a journalist....maybe I just need to drop out, get married, make beautiful babies with my love, and go back later....

Before I could complete my thought, Halle knocked on my window taking me out of my thoughts.

"Uhhhh Kor, what are you doing?? Get yo ass out that car and come inside. I got a bottle of wine and 2 glasses waiting on us." She said.

I know we're underage and we usually wouldn't drink without the guidance of our parents but at this moment, we did not care. I shut my car off and walked in with Halle. We sat on the couch and caught up with each other and just drank wine. By the time we finished talking and drinking, it was 11:34pm and we had drank 3 bottles of wine together. Of course I was too tipsy to leave so she let me stay with her. We both went and got in her mom's bed like we used to when we were little and just held each other and went to sleep. We never had any feelings for each other but we just knew what each other needed at this moment. We both knew we needed to be held.

When I woke up the next morning, we were still holding each other. I just looked at her and saw the dried tears on her face. I felt bad for my best friend. She was going through it. She told me how her dad had died earlier in the year and I didn't even know and now her mom is about to go. I cried silently for her and for me. I was going through it too and I honestly didn't even have the time to grieve properly with all that had been going on.

I guess I was sniffing too loud because Halle pulled me in closer without even opening her eyes. I buried my head in her shoulders and just cried. She just gave me the hug I needed and just let me cry.


Korryn still hadn't come back. I wanna call her but at the same time I know her and she wouldn't just leave me like that. I just wanna know where she is. I just want her in my arms. I texted her phone and just said:

Hey baby. I just wanted to know where you are...I want you next to me. Don't ever leave me like that again. I love you...

I sat my phone down and just watched tv.


I was laying down on my bunk in my cell when an officer opened the door and said, "Koplan, your bail has been posted. You're free to go." I hopped up and walked out of my cell. When I arrived at the door to exit the back of the jail where the cells were, my eyes were deceiving me. I couldn't believe who was standing there and I couldn't believe out of all people, this person bailed me out. It was.......


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