Korryn Jane Bynum was a 17 year old sophomore attending Nayporum University in Houston, Texas. She was extremely intelligent and was at Nayporum on a full scholarship...everything was going her way until she received a letter from someone named Jame...
Korryn was calling and it took me a second to think and answer it because I felt rage run over my body. I felt like we shouldn't have been being that petty and we should've just worked it out that day. I missed her and I felt like she should've stayed here with me instead of running off and not coming back.
I answered the phone and her voice made my heart warm.
"Hey baby..."she sighed.
"Hey baby.....I miss you." I said.
"I've only been gone for one day..." she said.
"That's too long. Come back to me right now." I said.
"Actually. That's what I called you about....I....I... wanna talk about a few things. I don't know if this is going to work out." She said, with a voice full of sadness.
"What do you mean Korryn? I love you and you love me. You know I was just being stupid. I was hurt. I at least wanted to know. I felt like you were never going to tell me. I felt like there was a lack of trust at that moment in time. But when you didn't come back...I knew that I couldn't be without you. Baby. Come and see me. I need to see your face." I said, basically pleading with her.
"Ok baby, I'll come and see you. I still strongly think we should take a break." She said.
"Korryn..."I sighed.
"Look...I'll be there in 30 minutes. We'll talk some more when I get there." She said.
"Ok baby...I love you...." I said.
"I love you too Quiante..." she said.
I hung up the phone and threw it across the room somewhere. I love Korryn and I know she loves me but now she's gonna try to break up with me. I'm going to do whatever it takes for her to stay. She's not leaving me. I don't care what she says. We are meant to be together and she knows. And I definitely know it. When she gets here, I'm gon tell her what's up.
I left the house and headed towards the hospital. I didn't want it to be harder than it had to be but I can't be with someone who doesn't trust me nor have the decency to talk to me about what's bother them. So I think I'm just going to walk in, say what I have to say, and leave. I can't let him talk because if I do, I'll probably end up getting in the bed with him, not saying that I don't want to but I don't need to. I need to do what's best for both of us. If he comes back to me, it's meant to be but if he doesn't, I just have to move on with my life and let him live his.
20 minutes passed and I finally was in the hospital parking lot. I was searching for a spot when I saw one of my best friends outside of the hospital.
"Halle??? Is that you??? Girl I haven't seen you in forever!!" I said I stopped the car right behind the car she was standing by.
"Korryn??? Oh my God come here girl. What are you doing here???" She said, walking towards the car.
I got out and hugged her so tight. She was standing there looking fierce as always but she also looked a little disturbed.
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Halle is 18 years old and goes to Southern University. We've been best friends since I was 5. She's always been there for me and vice versa but we lost touch for a little bit when I went to Texas but the love was NEVER lost. She's always happy....ALWAYS...so seeing her looking disturbed bothered me and I had to find out what was going on with her.
"I'm visiting Quiante....he was robbed and you know how that goes. But girl what are you doing here and what's wrong?"
"My mom is in the hospital..." she said, solemnly.
"Oh My God....are you serious?? That's like my mom. I have to go see her." I said. And as soon as I did, even more sadness grew across her face.
"How have you been since Ma died? I know you miss her. Shit...I miss her myself." She said.
"Halle...I miss my mom like hell....I wish she was here. I have so much to tell her but I can't." I said, hanging my head, shedding a tear out of my left eye. I wiped my eye with my left hand and she screamed.
"Girl you didn't tell me you were engaged!!" She said with such excitement. (That's the Halle I know)
Lord knows I forgot I had this ring on. With everything that's been going on, I completely forgot I kept it on.
"Yeah girl. Me and Quiante are engaged...." I said, with sadness in my voice.
"Girl why are you so sad??? Y'all have been together forever!!!! It's time." She said.
"Because I actually came here to break up with him. I finally told him about the abortion because Kasey outted me one day at her 'man's' house and I came back crying and I figured it was time to tell him." I said.
"Ok and..." she said.
"He was so hurt. He barely talked to me but when he did, he had such an anger for me. He basically told me he couldn't trust me anymore and if there's no trust, there's no relationship." I said.
"Korryn, of course he's upset. But he loves you. I know he does. Stick with him. He's the man for you." She said.
I was lying down, waiting on Korryn to walk through the door for about 45 minutes now. I'm getting anxious and I wish she would hurry up and get up here. I'm not gonna let her talk because I'm NOT letting her break up with me. She is going to stay with me. She is the love of my life. I can't live without her. So as soon as she walks in, I'm gonna show her just how much I love her.
I called Korryn's phone and she didn't answer. I figured she must've been driving or something because she never not answers my phone calls unless she's: driving, sleeping, or at school. That's one thing I love about Korryn. She answers the phone no matter how mad she is at me but right now I need her to hurry up.
10 minutes later, Korryn walked in the door.
"Hey baby." She said.
I got up, walked over to her, and.....