The Funeral

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It was the next morning and I was still feeling guilty. I felt so guilty that I told Quiante I wasn't going to sleep with him last night because I wanted to sleep with my sister and make sure she was alright. Yes, I lied but I couldn't even lay in the bed with him after what we did. He made me crave him and I didn't even know why. I know we're in love but the temptation was too strong, at least definitely last night. I got up, went into Quiante and I's bedroom, and laid next to my man. I cuddled up with him and he kissed my neck and nuzzled his head in my neck.

"Good morning baby." He said, and I felt him smiling in my neck.

For Quiante to be this gangster with everybody else, he was nothing but a teddy bear to me. But hey, that's how it's supposed to be right? All about the business in the streets and a freak in the---you know the rest. Anyways, I smiled back and giggled a little and said:

"Morning baby.....I don't wanna go to this funeral....I really don't. I just wanna stay here cuddled up with you." I said, and felt my eyes filling up with water.

"I know baby but..." he was cut off by Kasey walking in and coming lay down with us. She laid in front of me and cuddled up to me.

"Well good morning to you then Stanka." Quiante said.

"Morning Tay. Morning koko." Kasey said in a childlike voice.

"Morning baby." I said, giggling.

We just laid there as a family and just enjoyed each other. I came to the realization that until Quiante and I get married and begin having children, this is my family. Kasey is my child at this point and we are all we have.

"Well Kasey and I are going to get up and go get our morning hygiene done." I said and Kasey looked at me kinda crazy.

"Who said I was ready to get up Korryn?" She said.

"Me because I'm getting my ass up out of my bed and you not bout to lay down with my fiancée by yourself. That's just not proper." I said and gave her that "get yo ass up" look.

She got up and walked into her room, closing our bedroom door behind her.

"Baby.....we gotta talk about last night." Quiante said, walking up behind me, putting his hands around my waist, putting his morning wood in my butt. I don't think he was trying to start something this morning because he knew how I bad I felt about last night, I think it was just there.

"I know baby. But not this morning. I gotta worry about..." I said and he cut me off.

"Yes this morning because it will never get done. You will constantly be busy and we're going to talk about it right now. I'm not taking no for an answer." He said.

"Ok daddy. Damn." I said and we both started laughing.

He grabbed my hand and walked me back into the bedroom. I sat down on the bed and he sat next to me. He looked me in my eyes and said, "You're the most beautiful woman in the world to me. And I'm sure a lot of men say that to their women but I know I mean it. Baby I love you with all my heart and even though we messed up, we can pray about it and move on from it because there's nothing we can do to change it. I know you didn't sleep with me last night because you felt guilty and because you felt you couldn't control yourself."

"How did you...." I cut him off.

"Baby I know you. I know you very well. We never miss an opportunity of sleeping with each other when we're both in the same house. NEVER. And just so happens after last night you wanted to sleep with your sister. I know you genuinely felt bad for her but I knew there was more behind what you told me." He said.

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