This Can't Be Happening....

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OH MY GOD THIS FEELS SO GOOD.....DONT STOP.....My brain said knowing that my heart said different

When he leaned up the final time, he started kissing down my body.....but when he got to the bottom of my stomach, before I knew it, my mouth screamed, "STOP!"

He looked at me crazy because he knew I was ready for him to dive in....but I think he understood.....I know he understood.

"Baby, oh my God......that felt AMMMMAAAAZZZZINNNNGGGG!!!" I said wiping my forehead, "But you know we can't....we just can't. And I know you understand that."

"BABY....I understand but I just been missing your body baby.....I just needed to taste you...." Quiante said to me

" know you're tired of waiting, but you know what you have to do.....I'm ready whenever you are and you know that....but you also know that I'm not going to take off school because we're getting married...I..." I said before he interrupted me.

"I am baby....when the time is right...." Quiante said.

"Let's just cuddle....after I put some clothes on" I said as we both started smiling at each other.

"Ok baby...." Quiante said

I walked to the bathroom and just sat on the side of the tub thinking about what just happened.....God knows I wanted to give it to him but I just knew in my heart that I couldn't.

For a minute, I forgot where the clothes he just bought me were but then I guess he saw me looking around, and just said, "Dryer, Baby!" I walked to the laundry area and got the underwear and pajamas out of the dryer. My baby took care of me and I just wanted him in the worst way....


I put my clothes on and walked back into the room. He was now in his boxer shorts and no shirt on....


"Uhhhh gon have to put on some shorts..."

"Oh my bad baby...." Quiante said.

I walked over to the bed and laid down and watched him put on his shorts. Once he got back in the bed, I just kissed passionately that I had to back away from him and just scream: WOOOHHHH!

"On that note, goodnight baby!" I said.

"Goodnight beautiful.." Quiante said

I turned over and he hugged me from behind and just left his arm over me and that's how I went to sleep.


While she went to sleep, I just thought:

After tonight, I knew she was mine. The way she stopped me, after she knew she wanted me....I knew that is MY wife! I gotta marry this girl...

I quietly opened my night stand, and pulled out the ring box I been had for almost a whole year. It's time to put it on her's not how I planned but I'm bout to get on my Tyler Perry shit and put it on her finger and let her see it when she wake up.

I slipped it on her finger and it was perfect fit. I put the box back in the nightstand and quietly got up and found a pack of rose petals. I went in the kitchen and sprinkled them all over the floor....

I went online and express ordered some roses hoping that they would be here in the morning, even though it was almost 4am.

After that I went back to the bed and laid down right back next to my baby.



I woke up and rolled over to find that Quiante wasn't there. I got up and found a toothbrush in the bathroom drawers. When I looked down and started looking through with my left hand, I noticed something on my ring finger.

Could it be??!!! The ring I been waiting for.....I hope he don't think this is the key to get in my panties.....

It was...!!! It was the ring and it fit perfectly! I brushed my teeth and walked into the kitchen.

"BABY!!!" I said looking down at my left hand.

When I looked up, Quiante was on top of the island with a rose in his mouth. He was so corny and cute. All I could do was laugh and begin to start crying.

I ran over to the island and took the rose out of his mouth and French kissed him.

"Baby, I love it!" I said.

"I would think so based off the reaction you just gave me....GOD DAMN...your lips so sweet!" Quiante said biting his bottom lip

"Baby, don't start this morning....I hope you didn't give me this ring, just to get in my panties cuz..." I said before Quiante interrupted me by kissing me.

"What made me know that you are going to be my wife is when you stopped me from going any further, even though you wanted to, you put your morals first...after that, I knew you meant what you said. That showed me you were my wife!" Quiante said looking me in my eyes.

"Awwww baby!!" I said as I started kissing him again.

"There's so much to plan for now.....I still gotta finish school and take care of my sister and her child. Are you willing to take on those responsibilities with me?" I said looking Quiante in his eyes.

"Baby, whatever is your plan, is mine now. It's OUR plans! I'm going to help do whatever you want!" Quiante said not knowing what that meant.

"So you're willing to move to Texas with me, have an apartment with me and my sister, and relocate your whole life??" I said worried.

"YES BABY!!! You're mine! I should've moved when you left the first time. I should've never let my baby go that far without her man." Quiante said.

"I love you oh so much!" I said to Quiante as we started kissing once again.

*RING RING RING*. I had to cut the kiss short and go and find my phone.

It said 5 missed calls from Kasey.

I called her back and she answered screaming on the other end...."What's going on baby girl??? Calm down." I said trying to help her breathe.

"Korryn, I'm bleeding!!! I'm bleeding down there Korryn!!" Kasey said

"OH MY GOD!!! I'm on my way...."


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