The Surprise in the Cafeteria

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Well....that was a load taken off my shoulders. I was sho' I was going to jail I can't believe that motha fucka did that to my lil sis mane.....that's foul and his ass gon pay for that shit....see...what Korryn don't know is...I got a few of my friends in the joint that's gon handle his ass for me....Just like he abused my lil sis, he gon get abused too. Ain't no part of his body gon be untouched.

"Baby...." I called out to Korryn who was standing in the hallway still, watching that nigga get hauled off to jail.

"Huh?" She said softly, on the verge of breaking down..

"Come here baby....everything is gonna be alright." I said.

Korryn practically ran into my arms and I swooped her up. In this moment, I didn't care how much I was baby was hurting and I need her to feel safe, secure, and loved. I just don't think Korryn understands how much I love her beautiful ass....that's my baby and she always will be.

I sat down on the bed, still holding Korryn. She's crying her eyes out and I'm just letting her. But for some reason, the person who I know is hurting the most is just standing there....with a smirk on her face....I don't know if she's happy or angry or content or what....Kasey was just quiet and that's not like her.

I motioned her to come sit next to me and she did. While holding Korryn up with one arm, I took my other and wrapped it around Kasey. I think for the first time, in a long time, she felt truly safe.



God....Quiante felt so good.....too good. I knew I loved Quiante but the way he was holding me, reassured me that this is the man that I need to be with for the rest of my life. While my legs are wrapped around his waist and he has one arm around me and the other around my sister. I felt that we were both safe and that he wouldn't let anyone or anything do us any harm.....not if he had anything to do with it.

"Baby....." I whispered in his ear. I felt his manhood jump.....God it was HUGE! I guess I said that a little too seductively....

"Oooooohhhh baby....don't do that to me..." He whispered back, trying to make sure that Kasey didn't hear him.

"No....don't do that to don't think I felt your manhood rise?" I said back to him, slightly laughing. "Boy you gon make me do somethings to you right here an right na! OOOOHHHHH!" I said, still whispering.

"Kasey....will you go and get me something from the cafeteria?" Quiante asked.

"Anything for you big bro." Kasey said, while getting up.

Once she walked out of the door, I got off of Quiante and told him to lay down. Once he laid down, I ,seductively, climbed on top of him. I hovered over him and just looked him in the eyes.I bent down and kissed him. I had my tongue so far down his throat that neither one of us could breathe. BUT NEITHER OF US CARED! Breathing was not on either of our agendas. I started grinding on him and I felt everything......everything....I thought his manhood was huge when it jumped, boy was I wrong.......he was now fully there. Oh my God!!! I can't believe this going to happen? We about to see.....I just kept grinding and kept grinding. The more I grinded, the better I was feeling. Just when everything in the world seemed to be alright, the nurse burst in.

Both of us looked at the nurse, while I'm still on top of him, in such disgust. Everything was feeling so great and we still had our clothes on...I can only imagine things our honeymoon night.

"Uhmmmm...I'll just come back in about 20 minutes....." The nurse said.

"Thanks!" I said, giving such a sarcastic smile...

She walked out of the room and I looked back at Quiante. I gave him one more long, tongue-filled, body quaking kiss and then got off of him.

" how you gon do that?? You gon start something and not finish it? Do you not see what you did to me?" He said, a little salty.

" I know you know that I was not about to make love you in the hospital and plus we still ain't married..." I said

"Damn!!!" He said, looking down at his enlarged manhood.

"Where is Kasey though?" I said, getting worried.

"Maybe the line was long in the cafeteria...." He said.

"I don't know...lemme call her." I said.

I went through my contacts and pulled Kasey's...the phone started ringing in my ear and next thing I know, someone picked up....but it wasn't Kasey.

"I don't know who you are but I'm coming down there right now!" I said.

I hung up the phone, grabbed my purse, kissed Quiante one last time, and was out the door. I got to that elevator so quick. It felt like it took forever and a day for it to come but as soon as it came, I got in it and hurry up and pressed the door close button.

As soon as the elevator doors opened, I walked out of the elevator and went straight to the cafeteria. When I got there, I couldn't believe my eyes.....

It was Rodrick ass from the funeral home.

"Kasey!!! Why are you talking to him?" I said.

"Korryn....this is like my brother.....I've known Rodrick for years..." She said.

"Nice to finally meet you....." He began but trailed off.

"Oh know exactly who I am now don't you....." I said.

"Aren't you James's daughter?" He said.

"Biological.." I said.

"I'm sorry....I'm sorry for what I did but I hope you don't...." He said before I cut him off.

"Save will not be speaking with my sister any got me?" I said.

"Korryn!" Kasey said.

"Did you hear me?" I said again to Rodrick.

"It won't happen again." He said, while walking over towards Kasey.

He gave Kasey a kiss on the cheek and a hug, looked me in my face, and walked off.

"Korryn! You're not my mother!!! You're not going to run my friends off and think I'm going to be ok with that!" She said, yelling.

"Kasey, I know I'm not your mother but I am the person you got that's really really close to you, so I have your best interest." I said

"You may think you do but you really don't....I'm tired of this...ever since you came back from Texas, life has been hell." She said, with tear rolling down her face, screaming.

By now the whole cafeteria was looking at us.

"Kasey....let's go somewhere else..."I said

"NO! I'm done with you Korryn.....GOODBYE!" She said and stormed off.

"Kasey!! Kasey!!!" I said.

She walked out the door and didn't even turn around.



Now she got me crying.....I done stormed off and I don't even know where I'm going.... Just then I saw Rodrick. 

"Rodrick!!! Rodrick!!! Take me with you!" I said.

We got in the car and he drove off.....

Thanks for reading....I figured I'd treat y'all to two updates since I hadn't posted in a while... I hope you enjoyed it!!! Don't forget to vote and comment! Love.....Peace.....and Happiness....~L

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