Ain't this some ish....

28 3 8

11:45 PM That Same Night

"Man hurry up and disarm the alarm...I can't afford to be going to jail." James said to Rodrick, his accomplice. "Nigga be patient.." Rodrick said to James as they break into the funeral home. "We gon have to do this fast because I didn't turn the alarm off fast enough so the police are coming." Rodrick said. "Nigga...didn't I tell yo know what I knew I shouldn't have hired yo ass....I'm bout to do this quick and get this over with." James said to Rodrick walking off towards the back. James walked until he saw the door that looks like it was the morgue...he opened it and saw a room full of drawers. "Yeah this it....lemme turn this light on and find my baby." He said to himself. "Bynum....Bynum....ah here it is." He said while opening the drawer. She looked beautiful and she just seemed to be sleeping....

"Well....I never thought that the next time we met that we would meet this way....I'mma make it quick especially since I'm not even supposed to be here...Look baby....I almost meant to declare my love for you but I never this is my way of doing so. Jane Bynum....I love you with all my heart and made me have a reason to made me partly the man I am today.....I always wanted to be with you but since you were already with Korey I knew that you would never take me the way I wanted you....and God knows how much I wanted you.....WANT YOU! I want you all over me...I want you anytime but now since you're gone....I know I can't do that...So I'll leave you with one last kiss and I won't see you again....But before I go...I want you to know that I met our daughter.....she's so much like you and....." James was about to continue before the police burst in the door with Paull right behind him.

"Police! Put your hands where I can see them!" Officer Schore and Officer Komb said while pointing their guns at James. "Wait a minute....James?..." Paull asked looking around in disbelief. "Put your guns down officers. I'll take it from here..." Paull said assuring the officers he was going to take care of the situation. The officers were dismissed and Paull looked at James and Jane...."Man....I should be pressing charges on yo ass...why in the hell would you get Rodrick to break into my know that nigga dumb as hell....then you come in here for what?? To finally tell her how you feel? Well it's too late James..Get over it...she's had your chance and you blew it....." Paull said to James

Their conversation continued meanwhile outside Korryn was in the neighborhood, coming from a "friend's" house, when she noticed a police car, James's car, and Paull's car in the parking lot. The police car was pulling off but she wondered why James and Paull AND the police were there. So of course her curiousity had the best of her and she pulled into the parking lot with her lights off, so she wouldn't alarm anyone and she parked her car. She knew something was wrong because number one...James lives in Donaldsonville, so why would he be here after 11pm with the police? Number two because she could just sense it in her spirit that something was wrong.

She gets out of her car, with her taser in her hand ready and walks towards the back. She walks past Rodrick without him even noticing her because he was in his own zone...She kept walking until she heard talking coming from what seemed to be the morgue door. She heard Mr. Paull saying that my sperm donor couldn't do things like this and that he should be behind bars and stuff of that nature. So Korryn burst into the door and saw Mr. Paull closing what seemed to be a drawer that it looked like her mother was in. James and Paull turned around and looked at Korryn. Immediately it clicked.....James came here to sabotage her mother. Now Korryn just knew she would kill him.

She charged at him and tried to grab him but Paull stepped in the way. "Korryn....Korryn!..." Paull said struggling. "It's taken care of...he won't be back here as long as your mom is in here. I promise you that." Paull said assuring Korryn of that and giving James an eye signal telling him to leave. James started for the door but Korryn reached to the side to punch him. "This is the final straw...first you disrespect my father, get beaten up by him because you disrespected me, my sister, and him by showing up here thinking that you had entitlement to help with the funeral planning, and now you've come her to sabotage my mother's body to hurt our family??? This is it! I'm calling the police back here and pressing charges! You are not going to do something to my mother's DEAD body and then think you can get away with it...." Korryn said very angrily. "But I didn't try to sabotage her body...I was telling her how I really felt about her." James said filled with sorrow and pain. "I don't give a fuck...I told you to stay away...and you didn't.....AND DON'T YOU THINK IT'S A LITTLE TOO LATE???!!! You wait until she dies to tell her how you really feel? Oh you're so smart...I don't know why my mother wasn't with you....ACTUALLY... I do....YOU'RE A COMPLETE PSYCHOPATH THAT I NEVER WANT TO SEE AGAIN....YOU DO BULLSHIT LIKE THIS AND EXPECT ME NOT TO DO ANYTHING...." Korryn shouted. "Korryn...I'm sorry...I messed up....but please don't call the police... I can't afford to go to jail...I could but not in the money sense. I've never been to jail and I don't want to ruin my reputation." James begged. "BITCH, FUCK YO REPUTATION....but ya know what...I ain't gon call the police...cuz I ain't no snitch....but what I will do is make sure me and my family get a restraining order on yo ass and IMMA TELL YOU THIS ONE FINAL TIME...STAY AWAY FROM ME AND MY FAMILY...ESPECIALLY MY MOMMA! IF I SEE YOU ANYWHERE NEAR THE FUNERAL OR THE FUNERAL HOME WHILE MY MOM IS STILL HERE, I WILL KILL YOU MY DAMN SELF!" Korryn said releasing herself from Paull's grip and walking off....

Korryn meant that...She was not about to have this nobody come into her life and mess up anything....

Korryn got in her car and pulled off....

Shortly after..She noticed she was being followed.....

Sorry it's after midnight but I had something to do today and it consumed my day...But is the story I promised...Hope y'all enjoy it. Love....Peace...and Happiness....


P.S. Sorry if there are any errors.

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