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You know, there's always that one moment you regret going to a party like this when you can't even drink!" I yell to Tessa over the loud music.

"You're our designated driver!" She shouts back, taking a sip of her drink. "I'm gonna find someone to make out with," Tessa leaves me alone and I stand in the dining room awkwardly.

The snack table was sitting in front of me so I took the opportunity to eat some. I grab a plate with a sandwich, cheese and crackers, and some pineapple.

"Woah-woah-woah, no pineapple for the mommy." A hand takes away the plate and I was a second away from screaming at the guy but then I realize it was Warren. "You know I marinate my fruit in six different alcohols." He eats the pineapple for himself and I roll my eyes.

"Right, I forgot. I'm not used to this whole pregnant-no-drinking thing." Warren gives me the plate back and I grab the sandwich. "This is so boring!" I say loudly, Warren pulls me to his side and laughs.

"You're the one who chose to come, don't blame me." I couldn't tell if he means that in a you-agreed-to-come-to-the-party way or the you-agreed-to-potentially-make-a-baby way... "Where's Tessa?"

"Uh, probably making out with someone? I don't know." Warren nods and takes a cracker off my plate.

"Honestly, I could live off these." He says, taking another cracker but this time with cheese.

"You might as well take the whole plate, jeez." He shrugs and removes his arm from around my shoulder. Warren takes the plate from my hands and eats the cheese and crackers. I finally have a bite of the small sandwich and when I do my stomach praises me. I haven't eaten any real food since this morning.

"Come with me, I'm gonna get a drink!" The enthusiasm in his voice is strange. I follow him to the kitchen and there were only a few people here and there. I sit down at the island and watch as he drains a beverage dispenser of the rest of its contents. "I need to refill this," He sets the cup down and turns around to grab everything he needs to make more of the drink. I sneakily take the cup and he turns to see it's gone, he looks at me confused and I point to the backyard.

"Some guy took it." Warren rolls his eyes and grabs another cup for himself. He mixes all the ingredients for the drink in the dispenser and closes the top. "I have to go pee."

"You know where the bathroom is," I stand slowly and leave my hand with the cup hanging low so he can't see it. Then as I walk past him I switch hands so he doesn't see. I am horrible at hiding things but if I'm gonna be here, I need a least one drink that was other than water.

I go to the off-limits section of the house and chug the full cup. Just as I was about to set the cup down and sneak off someone stops at the end of the hallway and yells, "Hey! You're not supposed to be there!" Me being me, I begin to freak. If someone sees me drinking while knowingly being pregnant, at a party, it will be the end for me and I just started.

"Uhm, sorry. I thought I got my period." I turn around and keep the cup behind me. I see Collin and he just smiles at me like an idiot. "Are you kidding me? I thought someone actually caught me!"

"Were you drinking? That's bad, mommies don't drink." He puts his finger to his lips and gives me his cup. "Don't tell anyone I provide mommies with the drinks either."

He stands in front of me as I finish his cup too, "You're the best, I need something if I'm gonna be here all night."

"No problem, I know how hard it can be to fake it. Earlier today someone asked if I was gonna propose to you. It was kind of hectic after I announced 'us' in class," I raise an eyebrow and Collin pulls out his phone, "People posted it on Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter, even fucking MySpace, who uses that anymore?"

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