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English and World History were the worst classes of the day but Spanish seemed to drag on for hours.

I finally took a chance to read the Art assignment I got earlier and it's a project. One where I have to paint or draw someone or something important to me, then my English teacher assigned an essay about my passions, and finally the best, my World History teacher decided to give us an assignment where we have to research one of the World Wars and write a ten paragraph essay about it.

That tranquil weekend I was hoping for? Looks like that isn't happening.

Warren was nice enough to volunteer to drive. We stop by a gas station to get things for the ride there.

Warren stayed outside to fill the tank while we all got the snacks.

"What do I get? This is a road trip! Okay, I'm getting candy, chips, and most definitely this," She opens the refrigerator and takes out one of the many Gatorade bottles. "It's essential."

Dylan and I decide we'd put our stuff together and pay half and half. I look over at him and see him looking at the candy in confusion.

"What the hell is a butter finger?" He picks up the bar and shows me.

"One of the best things you'll ever taste." I take it from his hands and put it in the basket. "Also, if you've never heard of a damn butter finger, I want you to get all the candy you've never heard of and put it in here. You need to have the best candy experience of your life."

For myself, I get some Cheeto Puffs, a couple of my favorite candies, and small snacks like donuts, honey buns, and beef jerky.

When I find Dylan I see the basket is filled with a decent amount of candy.

"Apparently you've been living under a rock." I laugh and put the items I chose into the basket. Before buying everything I take a water and a soda from the refrigerator, "I don't know which one you want, but you have a choice." He nods and takes out his wallet. The total comes out to $32.43. Before I can say anything Dylan swipes his card and picks up the two bags the lady gives us.

"You've got to be kidding, you played me!" I lightly push him as we walk out.

"There's no way I was going to let you pay. All the candy I got cost about twenty three dollars." I roll my eyes and slide the back door open. I get in and Dylan scoots in next to me.

Tessa finally gets back to the van with four bags in hand. "Wow, we made that gas station rich!" Warren laughs as he starts the engine and we take off on the freeway.

Once we get out of town I sneakily take the belly off and throw it in the backseat. I don't think Warren knows about me being three/four months pregnant is fake.

Earlier, he told us that his cabin is four hours away from our town so I feel like that is a really good distance from everything.


The day is wasting away slowly. Driving on a freeway for three hours is like staying in a time loop, everything looks the same. Dylan is fast asleep, his head resting on the window.

"Hey, anyone have to pee?" Tessa asks as we near a rest stop.

"I don't have to." Warren says, taking his eyes off the road for a second to look over at her.

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