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After Collin proposed he and I went night swimming. It was great, the way he proposed was so intimate and I think it's sweet how he tried so hard with everything.

The rose gold ring will always remind me of the love he shows me all the time.

I also got word from Warren that they got a DNA test done while they were at the clinic today. Vienna wasn't as pissed off about it, she understood that her reputation can make it a bit hard to believe her.

At the moment, Collin and I are at my mom's house, telling her about how last night went.

"That's so amazing! Your dad is super excited he gets to walk you down the isle, it's been one of his life-long dreams." I can't help but smile. My parents argue sometimes, but I know they love each other so much.

"Really? A life-long dream?" Collin folds his hands, the silver rings on his index, middle, and ring finger makes him even cuter than he already is.

"Yeah, when I was pregnant with Care he told me how when he was a child he would tell his sister that he wanted to walk her down the aisle just in case he never had a girl," She's talking about my aunt Kendall, she died in a car crash when she was twenty-three years old, my dad was sixteen at the time so he took it pretty hard, "His first and only kid turned out to be a girl so that's good."

"Since Caroline wanted to wait to find out, we have some names picked out for boys and girls," My mom nods, "Girls, we chose Ava and Olivia, boys we chose Nicholas and Alexander."

"They're beautiful names, what about their middle names though?"

I furrow my eyebrows, "I guess I never really thought about that," I look at Collin who's also visibly thinking about it, "We have to figure that out."

"How about we wait until we see their faces? I mean sometimes names don't suit their faces."

"Alright," I lean on his shoulder and feed him some of my food.

"Are you two gonna stay for dinner?" My mother asks, sitting down at the table with us.

I look at Collin and he shrugs, "We actually have to stop by his parent's house to tell them about the engagement but thank you for the offer mommy," I stand up from my seat and she does the same. She hugs me and gives me a kiss on the cheek.

"Well thank you for coming to visit me, I miss you being right upstairs," She gives me another hug and then Collin hands me my bag.

"Beth is still staying at my parents so it won't be just me protecting her from the cold stares," My mom laughs but I can tell she has a resentment for Collin's mother, especially after what happened at thanksgiving.

"Okay, well it was nice seeing you too Collin." She gives him a hug also and then the both of us approach the front door.


We pull up to the house and Collin parks on the driveway. Beth opens the front door and she has a bright smile that lights up her entire face.

"Hey, sister!" She shouts, rushing to me giving me a big hug.

"Shut up Beth, Mom and Dad don't know about it yet," Beth raises her eyebrows in shock.

"You're a fucking idiot! Mom's gonna go ballistic," Collin shrugs and takes my hand.

"That makes me feel me a whole lot better about this," I glare at Beth but she just gives me a sweet smile and another hug.

"Even if they don't accept it, who cares? The only people from this family that should matter to you is Collin, the babies, and me," I laugh at her remark, "Now let's go, we need to get this over with so we can give mom twenty years to cool off."

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