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I wake up to my mom knocking on my bedroom door. I don't answer but she walks in anyway.

"Caroline, someone's here for you." She lightly shakes me and I open one eye to take a peek at the time.

"At 7:30 in the morning? What crazy person on a Saturday, would wake up this early?"

"You can come downstairs and see for yourself. But you might want to take some time to take a shower and brush your teeth. You don't want him to know you've just got out of bed," I raise an eyebrow in confusion but shake it off. She won't tell me who it is anyway.

She takes her leave, and when she does my room is back to its peaceful nature.

I throw the blanket off of my body and forcibly remove myself from my bed. On my way to the bathroom, I notice my bedroom window was still open from yesterday.

With my natural curiosity, I look outside to see a red dodge in my driveway.

I don't know anyone with a red dodge. Unless... it's mine!

My insides begin exploding and I'm filled to the brim with excitement. Getting ready went by quick as I thought about my new car.

A car, especially a dodge. That is the next best thing for me.

I put on some jeans and a loose-fitting t-shirt. While making my way down the stairs I try to compose myself but epically fail. I'm basically jumping out of my shoes right now.

I turn into the kitchen and just as I was about to say something to my mom, my eyes adjust to the person sitting at our dining room table.

My mom looks up at me -with a happy expression, might I add- and walks over to me.

"Who's this?" I ask. The guy, he looked hurt when I asked my question.

"You don't remember me?" He seems confused which confuses me even more.

"I don't recall ever seeing you."

I look at my mom for answers and then she begins to explain, "Caroline, its Dylan. Dylan Whittier. You and him used to play together all the time when you were kids."

"Dylan Whittier?" I think about the name and then my childhood. Then the memories pop into my head and I cover my mouth in surprise. "Dylan?! I thought you had moved to like Africa!"

"It was Australia, but yeah I did! Until about a year ago? We came back to America but stayed in Montana. And now we're here!" I sit down at the table with him and my mom put a hand on my shoulder.

I look up at her and she says, "I'll leave you two to catch up," I smile at her and she makes her way upstairs.

"So, how are you?" Dylan captures my attention again with his slight accent and I nod to him.

I don't know if I should tell him I'm pregnant. I am, wearing my school belly so I'm sure he's noticed it.

"Uhm, well. If you couldn't tell already... I'm pregnant."

"I noticed. I wasn't sure if I should've asked or not. Cause who knows? You could've just gained a shit-ton of weight." I punch his shoulder and he winces. "Damn! Have you been lifting weights too?"

"I can't believe you guys left anyway. You were only what? Five? And you barely came back?" I steer the conversation away from the pregnancy and get into stuff about him.

"Yeah, it was originally supposed to be for a few months but I guess with my parents there they had some 'big break' and we ended up staying thirteen years," He takes a drink of whatever my mom poured for him earlier.

"That's crazy. I guess that's the price you gotta pay for having extremely smart parents." I shrug and rest my head on my fist.

"I guess so, but I just wish we didn't miss so much time. You were my best friend, then I left, and obviously you forgot about me, which really hit me hard in the feelings Care-bear," I laugh at the nickname.

"You remember that still? Oh my goodness. What did I call you?" I try to think of the name and when it comes to mind, Dylan tries to stop me.

"Caroline please no. That name scarred me for life, please!"

"Wasn't it Dill pickle?" He groans and puts his head down on the table.

"I cannot believe that was the best you could come up with!" His voice was muffled by being enclosed in his arms.

"Hey! I was five!" I try to defend myself, "At least I was creative!"

"Creative? Calling me a snack is definitely not creative." I judge-fully raise my eyebrows.

"You're such a hypocrite! You named me after a group of bears!"

"You know what? Fine. I was thinking of letting you take Rosie out for a spin but never mind, that thought is inadmissible." My jaw drops and I immediately start apologizing. "No, I've made up my mind. You're not driving my car."


Sorry for such a short chapter! I've been busy with school and family situations so I wasn't able to come up with the best :(

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