
5.5K 179 9

"So, since this morning, I've been looking for an apartment for us," Collin says, twirling my hair around his fingers.

"You know my dad was just trying to scare you two. You didn't have to take that seriously."

"No, I needed to! Your dad actually put things in perspective for me. I can't live my entire life depending on my parents. The second this baby is born, real life is gonna catch up with me and I'm gonna be an adult, we're both going to be adults."

"I guess. So what did you find?" He smiles and leans off the bed to grab his laptop from the end table. Collin opens the screen and quickly types in his password.

"So, look. Two bedrooms, two baths. Dining area, computer area, kitchen, trash, and cable are included in rent, laundry room, a back patio, and a balcony from the master bedroom."

"What the hell kind of apartment is this?" I grab the computer and bring the screen closer to my face. I look at the pictures of the two story apartment and read through the list of all the things that are in the apartment alone. My jaw almost drops to hell, "No fucking way, this is way too much money and neither of us has jobs."

Collin raises an eyebrow and scoffs, "Who said I didn't have a job?"

"Uh, I just assumed. I've never seen you go." I look back at the computer screen and the images of the apartment are extremely nice.

"Don't judge a book by your observations. I've had a job since I was fifteen, working with my Uncle Frank. I do it all on my computer, everything is pretty easy money. A lot of easy money actually."

"Nothing illegal right? Like you're not selling drugs on eBay?"

He chuckles, "Of course not, I'm not that fucked up. It's a software thing, it's easy and it puts money in my pocket. So, I think I'm gonna stick with it for a while longer."

"Right." I look up at him and his green eyes look down at me. Monster's Inc. is over and the room is now quiet.

"Do you think the baby is going to look like you? I've heard brown eyes over power green, which sucks because I want our baby to be special."

"Hey, people with brown eyes are just as much special than people with green eyes." He says, rubbing my cheek lightly with his thumb.

"This onesie is choking me." I change the subject and subtly move away from his touch.

"Take it off then. I can go get you some clothes from your room if you want?" I nod and unbutton the top and start to pull the zipper down. He gets up, leaves the room, and comes back in a few minutes with shorts and a tank top.

"You've got to be kidding me. This probably won't even fit me." I walk over, shut the door and unzip the onesie all the way to the bottom.

The top falls off and with the help of myself, I take off the rest. I put my blue shorts on and they ride up my ass, the extra fat hangs out the bottom and I nearly feel like I should cut it all off with scissors.

"Wait, before you put on your shirt," Collin says hopping off the bed again and taking my hand. He leads me to the mirror doors of his closet and stands behinds me.

He slides his arms under mine and places his hands on my plump stomach.

"Here, is somebody that will be at your side, your entire life. Sure you have friends and family, but this baby is someone you have a special connection with, a connection you can never have with anyone else in the world." He moves his hands higher and grips my bra. I gasp and try to move his hands but he shakes his head, Collin leans in close and says, "This isn't anything least not yet," I roll my eyes and wait for him to continue, "These babies, like fuck, are they hot, but these are what can keep this baby a good, healthy baby. It's amazing how one amazing tit can feed a life."

He softly traces my body, his fingertips soft as they're coursing from my boobs to my stomach, and pretty close to my baby canal.

I watch him in the mirror and he seems thoroughly intrigued by my body. He finally looks up and we both make eye contact.

"You are special Caroline. Everything from your hair to the soles of your feet."

"You're not as much of an airhead as many people say you are." I smile and throw on the tight tank top.

"People think I'm stupid? How come?" He asks jokingly, pulling me to the bed with him.

"Everyone thinks that jocks are stupid," He gives me a fake pained look and I continue on with my ego beating, "No offense but your friends are the actual idiots."

"They're not that dumb! The team has to make at least a 2.5 to stay on."

"You're telling me you have over a 2.5?" He sits down on the edge of the bed and pulls me between his legs.

"I have a 3.8 Caroline. Higher than you so don't act like I'm dumb," He smiles cockily and I wish I can wipe that right off his face.

"Okay, I only have the 3.6 because I need tutoring in World History."

"I can tutor you."

"You don't even take the class!" I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him close.

"Isn't it Mrs. Hallow who teaches World History?"

"Yeah," I drag as I feel Collin's hands rest on my bottom, he lightly squeezes which causes me to squeal like a little girl, "Stop, that tickles!"

"Beth had her when she took undergraduate history classes at WISU."

"So, Beth would tutor me, not you," I say, laying my head on my arm.

"No, she's told me about how she teaches. It's pretty simple."

"Fine. I'll let you tutor me, but I swear if I fail because of you, I'm going to kill you so hard."

"I thought that was going in a different direction. But alright. Deal."


GUYS! GUYSSS, we've reached 3K! We did this together, oh my gosh you have no idea how thankful I am for every single read and vote I get on this book.

I want to thank EVERY single person who comes back every week to a new chapter and you guys know who you are, but yes! 3K! AHHHHHHH!

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