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After I told Collin I would be his girlfriend, he wouldn't stop smiling throughout the whole time we were watching Shark Week. I'm on the verge of not being able to contain myself either.

Once Shark Week was over, it was going on midnight.

"Well, I guess I should go home now." I sigh and get up off the couch.

"No, you still probably have alcohol in your system and so do I. I don't want anyone driving, just spend the night here." Collin insists.

"I mean I guess I can, I'll just text my mom and let her know where I am." He nods and I grab my phone from the coffee table.

Hey, I'm not coming home tonight so don't leave the front door unlocked, be home tomorrow.

She doesn't reply so I turn my screen off and throw it onto the couch. "Cool, I'm ready to relax," I grab Collin's hands and pull him up from the couch.

"What about our food?"

"Screw it, we can eat it tomorrow." Even though that sounds disgusting, in the moment I really don't care. "Lead the way," I tag along to his bedroom and when I see the way it's decorated I sigh in awe, "This is really pretty."

"I let my sister decorate it," I look at the paintings on the wall and recognize how much life there is in each and every one of them. "She's an interior designer."

"She did a really good job." I go straight to his bed and throw back his comforter to lay down. "Come cuddle with me!" I grab at the air and he jumps into the bed, literally.

This time I was under him, his arm was draped over my stomach, and his head was resting on top of my chest.

"Take off this thing," He sits up and pulls up my shirt. Collin's hands go from my waist to my middle back. The feeling of his cold hands on me makes me shiver. He unlatches the belly and throws it on the floor.

His eyes meet mine and for a second, time slows. His hand cups my cheek a brings my head toward him, "You know, I really want to kiss you right now."

"Then do it," With my permission, his lips connect with mine and I feel like my stomach is tying itself in knots.

I wake up late in the afternoon the next day. I take in my surroundings and see I'm in a room I've never seen before.

I try to get up but a weight around my waist wouldn't let me. I turn around and see messy brown hair and then the soft features of a shirtless Collin.

Wait... A shirtless Collin?!

I lift the blanket and his nude body was something I didn't want to see.

"You've got to be kidding me," I mumble to myself and lightly lift his arm. I put a pillow under his arm to replace my body and slide off his bed. I sit on the floor and grab my underwear that was laying on the side of the bed. My bra, though, was nowhere in sight.

I look around the room and see a black shirt that's definitely not mine. It's the only coverup I see in the span of two feet. I crawl over to the shirt and put it on.

"Hey," A voice sounds from behind me and I mentally scream. "Are you trying to sneak out?"

"You caught me," I turn and see him ruffling his already messy hair.

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