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I wake up early morning to find Warren getting ready in my bathroom.

"Finally! You're awake! I found a new box of toothbrushes under the sink, cool that I stole one?" I nod and rub my eyes. I pick up my phone and see multiple messages from Dylan. Shrugging them off, I get up and force Warren to scoot over in the mirror.

I splash my face with water and then brush my teeth. "You know, I never would've thought you'd get pregnant." I give him a weird look and he continues, "In middle school you wanted to be a pastor when you grew up."

"Okay, I only wanted to be a pastor because I've never seen a female pastor my whole life!" He scoffs and turns off the water, "Don't judge me Warren, I was all for women doing things people don't normally seeing them do!"

"Aren't women pastors called a nun?" I roll my eyes and walk out of the bathroom.

"Well for one, a nun is a woman who is apart of a religious community. There are no men involved. But, they do teach children about religion."

"I think you've gotten smarter Care, are you actually paying attention in World History this semester?" I smack Warren's shoulder when he opens the bedroom door.

"Stop being a jerk and I won't have to get smart with you." We walk downstairs and into the kitchen where my mom is making breakfast.

"Since we have a full house, I thought I'd make breakfast! Pancakes anyone?" I take a plate from the table and throw on two of the cakes, I spread a little butter on each and then douce them in syrup.

"Are these chocolate chip?" I ask as I bring the plate to the table.

"Half are chocolate and half are cinnamon." She says laying down another two pancakes to replace the ones I took. "I was starting to run out of ingredients."

I chew on the bite of pancake I have in my mouth before saying, "Right, well Mom. We still haven't figured out our Thanksgiving plans and it's tomorrow!"

"I heard your Aunt Joanne is having thanksgiving at her house." My dad walks in with Collin behind him.

"We are not going to Aunt Joanne's. That side of the family will be merciless about me being pregnant." I say, look at my mom who nods her head.

"Besides, Joanne doesn't like us."

"You mean Joanne doesn't like you." My dad kisses my mother's forehead and she elbows him.

"How about we have Thanksgiving here then?"

"You mean a house full of family who hasn't gotten together since I was like eight?" My Mom nods enthusiastically and turns off the griddle.

"We can invite Aunt Sharla, her boys, your uncle Harry, my brothers and sisters. It'd be so fun!" She squeals and I take another big bite of the pancakes so I don't have to talk for a while.

Collin pipes up and says, "My parents are coming home for the holiday and I'm sure they don't have any plans. Is it alright if I invite them?"

My mom picks up a plate and says, "Of course! I'd love to meet the other grandparents!" Everyone serves themselves and by the time they sit down, I'm getting my seconds. Warren sits quietly, ignoring our conversation while he eats his pancakes like a monster, "Caroline, when's your next prenatal appointment?"

"Uh, I guess since Tessa moved to the big apple I don't have to change the appointment." I unlock my phone and look at the calendar, "My next appointment is this Saturday."

"Do you need me to go with you?"

"Actually, Collin and I are planning on going together." I say proudly, taking another piece of cinnamon pancake. I look over at him and instead of being in the conversation, he's looking under the table. His face falters and when I give him a look to ask 'what's wrong?' He shakes his head and looks somewhere else.

"That's great! Trust me, the second you hear that heartbeat, you're in love."

"My baby's heartbeat was strong. I know for a fact he's gonna be a good one." Warren says, showing my mom an ultrasound picture.

"Oh how beautiful!" She takes the phone from him and tears being to well up in her eyes.

"Mom!" I whine, "Don't cry! You're gonna make me cry." I pick up my plate and throw away the syrupy pancake. I set the dish in the sink and turn around, "I'm gonna go take a shower and get ready for the day before you guys get a little too emotional for me."


My closet is slowly deteriorating and I need to wash soon. I take a brown maxi dress off the hanger and put it on. As the fabric clings around my stomach, the rest fits perfectly.

A knock comes to the door and Collin comes through when I tell him to.

"Hey Care," I smile and sit down on my bed. My feet look a bit swollen now and it's killing me.

"What's up?" I ask, slipping on a set of black sandals.

"Nothing, I just wanted to come up here. Warren and your parents are talking about mad baby stuff." He sits next to me on the bed and his eyes automatically look to the floor.

"Yeah, I can see that." I laugh, ignoring the fact that he looks like he wants to tell me something.

"Uh, Care?" He asks as he finally raises his eyes to meet mine.


"I have to tell you something." He doesn't look happy or excited, I'm getting a really sad vibe from him and it's causing me to get a lump in my throat.

"Spit it out Collin!"

"Tessa died last night." He says quietly, searching my eyes for a possible emotion.

"What do you mean Tessa died?" Warren stands at the door, an unreadable expression on his face.

"Warren," I stand up but he ignores me.

"What do you mean Tessa died?!" He yells pushing past me and getting into Collin's face.

"I got a text this morning from Dylan because Caroline wasn't answering! The plane she was on to Dallas crashed!"

Warren's legs visibly give out and Collin quickly grabs his arms so he doesn't fall. The both of them slowly go down to the floor.

"She can't be dead." He whimpers, I rush over and get on my knees to hold him. Tears begin to stream from my eyes and I feel the pain begin to settle.

"War, I'm so sorry. I'm so so sorry." I cry, gripping tightly onto his shirt.

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