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It's been about nine weeks since the night at the party. And so far, Tessa seems fine.

All we do is talk about the possibilities of what could happen if and when our parents find out.

The only thing Tessa says is, "I'm sure my parents won't even notice!"

"How the hell wouldn't they notice their seventeen-year-old daughter is pregnant?" I whisper as quiet as possible, I step closer to her so this could stay an A/B conversation and not an entire alphabet conversation.

"My parents are never home! And besides, the only time they remotely look at me is when I force the conversation onto them." She shrugs and shuts her locker.

Before I could respond, both Warren and Collin approach us from different directions of the hallway.

"Hey," Warren greets Tessa and me.

"Hi, Warren. Hi, Collin." I look behind me to see the tall and really good-looking Collin Bronze.

"What's up?" Collin bends down and kisses my head while Warren and Tessa stand awkwardly.

And it's not because of our PDA. The build-up of tension in this hallway is huge so I -being the person that I am- decided to break the silence.

"Well, we all have homeroom in a few minutes so I suggest we get there... Like now," I go on my tippy toes to kiss Collin and then take Tessa's hand in mine. "We'll see you two later!"

"I guess that means he remembers the sex too," Tessa whisper cries, "This means I have to tell him... About the mishap."

"I was gonna ask you that earlier, when do you plan on telling him?" We continue walking down the long hallway and turn into the next one.

"I don't know yet Care. I don't want to say anything but then again, there's still the possibility I'm having his baby!"

"I'm having Collin's baby, his mortal enemy!" I gasp, "What if because Collin and Warren have a feud, our babies will!"

"Not happening! Nope," I laugh and let go of her hand. "I'll see you later!" She yells once I walk away.

When I think back to that night, I don't remember very much.

The only prominent memories I have in my brain is just that I was supposed to be the DD, I stole Warren's drink, I was given another drink by Collin and then I blacked out. (Don't judge me, I'm a lightweight.)

I open the door to my homeroom and sit down at my desk.

"Hey, Caroline!" A random blonde girl stands in front of my desk and smiles brightly at me.

"Uh, hi." I look her in the eye and I'm confused as of to why she's talking to me.

"I just wanted to say I'm so sorry," I tilt my head and set my backpack down.

"What do you mean?"

"You're going to hell," Her words hit me like a brick wall, "Premature sex is a sin, a really big sin. And you're being damned to hell."

"Oh," The shock in my voice was evident but at the same time, I want to laugh. This girl is trying to tell me that I'm going to hell for something that so many people do, on the daily.

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