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The sound of my cell phone ringing brings me out of my sleeping haze. I reach over, pick it up, and see Warren is calling me. I answer the call and I hear his heavy breathing, "Oh my god Caroline! The baby is mine! It's mine!"

"That's great War, I'm so happy for you," I look around my room and see that I'm alone. Both of the twins are in a cot together, sound asleep.

"Why do you sound so tired? Did I wake you?" The time is 6:38 pm.

"Considering I went through sixteen hours of labor and delivered twin babies, I'm pretty tired."

"You gave birth?! Why didn't anyone call me?" I mentally shrug and don't voice my answer, "Alright well I'm on my way to the hospital now, I have to see them. Wait, what did you have?"

"Boys," I say with a smile, I can't believe I have boys.

A knock sounds at the door, "Ma'am, you're able to have visitors."

"Yeah, yeah, I'd like to see people." I smile as she leaves the room, "Hurry up and get here, I'm able to have visitors now."

"Okay, okay, I'll be there in twenty," I hang up the phone and the door to my room opens. Beth, Collin, my mom, my dad, and Mr. Bronze enter. I'm as surprised as anyone else, Collin's dad is here.

"Oh my god," My mom covers her mouth as she approaches the side of my bed, "Everyone, don't forget to sanitize your hands before touching the babies," I laugh at the look on her face, I can see how starstruck she is by the boys. Just like everyone else is.

"Hi Dad," I look at him and I see that fatherly look on his face. I've only seen that a couple times. Mostly through my childhood though, I haven't seen it since then and now, I'm seeing it again.

"Hey baby girl, how are you?" He gives a tight hug and sits down on the edge of the bed.

I take his hand in mine and play with his fingers, "I'm doing better than I was earlier. What about you? How'd you get home so fast?"

"I pulled a couple strings and my team let me come home for a few days so I can be here for you," I give him another hug and the next person I see is Beth.

"They're beautiful Care, I can't believe I'm an auntie. I can't believe my dad is a grandpa, oh my gosh," Collin's Dad comes over to me and he has a look of approval on his face.

"These boys are going to be wonderful Bronze men," His face softens for a moment and he says something I never would've expected to hear from him, "I'm proud you are the mother of my grandchildren. I'm also sorry for the way my wife treats you," Collin and Beth look at me with surprise clear on their faces. He leaves the room and Beth and Collin begin to laugh.

"What the heck just happened?" Beth asks Collin who's staring at the door, waiting for his dad to pop back in and say 'just kidding!'

"I think Dad was just genuine," Collin looks at me and raises his eyebrows, "You just made my Dad say something genuine." I look off to the corner where both of my parents stand, one baby in each of their arms.

"Mr. Santiago and Mrs. Gideon are here, want me to go get them?" Collin asks, grabbing his phone from the dresser next to me.

"Yeah! Totally, go get them," I smile sweetly and give him a kiss before he leaves the room.

"Honey, you know we'd love to stay but I have work and your dad is my ride." My Mom sets Nicholas down in the cot and gives me a kiss on the cheek.

"Alright, well, drive safe. I'll see you guys soon," My dad repeats every one of my mom's actions and they both leave my room.

Now, it's just me and Beth, alone.

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