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2K! 2 FREAKING K, I'm so thankful for all of you, I didn't think this book would be read this much but it is and I thank you guys so much <3


The drive to the beach lasts less than an hour. When we make it there, the parking lot is basically empty since it's Tuesday and we're here during school hours. Collin opens my door for me and lends me his hand.

"You're insane, you know that right?" He says as my feet hit the ground.

"Yeah, I know." I say, picking up the bag that holds my bathing suit. "I'm going to change." I make my way to the bathrooms, they're damp and dark. The light barely works as I change into my suit.

I stuff my clothes in the bag and unlock the stall door. I walk barefoot outside to see Collin in only his swim trunks. He hands me his clothes and I shove them in as well.

My eyes take in his body and a spot on his chest is inked, "When did you get a tattoo?"

"Oh this thing? It's nothing." I take his arm into my hand and pull him closer. The tattoo shows a lion, lioness and two cubs.

"What is that supposed to mean?" I let go of him and he shrugs, brushing it off.

He looks off into the distance and then starts smiling, "No fucking way!" He exclaims as he starts running towards the sand.

"What is it?!" I ask loudly, trying to catch up with him.

"Those girls are flashing dudes!" I stop and attempt to catch my breath.

"Are you kidding me? You're running for nipples?!"

"Yes, I'm running for nipples."

"In case you didn't catch this, I'm pregnant. And your child is squishing my insides. Which means, running for breasts is unnecessary." He stomps his foot like a kid and falls back into the sand.

"Fine, I'll miss the tits for you."

"I'm honored." I say, walking by him and approaching the water. I set the bag down a little bit away from the water and let my hair down.

The dark blue waves slowly come up to the shore and recede as quick as they came. My feet touch the cool sand and I wiggle my toes.

"Are you gonna get in or let the water carry you in?" Collin says, running into the water.

I move farther into the water and once it reaches my thighs, I stop. The waves break the shore every five or so seconds and the longer I wait, the farther I'm pulled in.

"Is swimming in the ocean safe for the baby?" I ask, watching as Collin swims in circles, fighting the current.

"It's exercise, its healthy." He swims up to me, takes my hand, and lightly pulls me further into the water, "Come on Care, you wanted to come here in the first place."

"Fine," I give in a we both go until the water is up to my neck and just above his shoulders.

I start floating on my back and every time a wave comes, we both hold our breath and go underneath it.

When I break the surface, I see Collin swimming toward me.

"You know what I just realized?" He says, running his fingers through his wet, tangled hair.

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